Dr. Lídia Colominas will present her latest research in the workshop OIKONOMIA ‘The Management of Ancient Domestic Economies: Comparing Textual and Material Approaches’, on 16th December 2021, organised by Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M). The entire event can be followed in streaming through the following link: https://eu.bbcollab.com/guest/69f2791c2de64691950d083af3081b16 12: 45 h What Can Faunal Remains Explain about Household…
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Picture of the 2017 well in the Roman city of Iesso, outside the city wall. Picture courtesy of the Classical Archaeology team at UAB. Excavations in the Roman municipium of Iesso began more than thirty years ago as part of a research project led by the Classical Archeology team of the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) and directed by Josep Guitart and Joaquim…
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Tomorrow, 16th November 2021, GIAP-ICAC researcher Alexandra Livarda will present her latest multidisciplinary research at the workshop “Society and Environment in Bronze Age Crete. Recent Geoarchaeological Researches”. Organised by ArScAn / École française d’Athènes / L.G.P (UMR 8591). Session 2: Plant resources and landscapes (10.40h CET) Mediterranean polyculture revisited: a re-examination of prehistoric cereals, grape…
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During this month, we were happy to receive the visit of an old friend from the United States. Katie Tardio, who works on her PhD thesis at the Departament of Classics de la University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, EE. UU., stayed with Lídia Colominas (GIAP-ICAC) this October to analyse unfinished samples after the…
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Join our vibrant international community of postdoctoral researchers! GIAP aims to study long-term human-environment interactions through the physical and biological imprints left on the landscape by its past inhabitants. In order to do so, GIAP has a strong interdisciplinary focus, which includes bioarchaeology and palaeoenvironment, geoarchaeology, survey, archaeomorphological analysis and computational approaches, including GIS, remote sensing and…
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Dr. Lídia Colominas working on a Roman animal bone assemblage Animal bones from archaeological sites are the remnants of a wide range of activities. They are usually leftovers from domestic meat consumption, although they can also be butchery deposits; waste from activities linked to hide preparation; or ritual deposits, to name only some of the…
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On the 1st of March Lídia Colominas joined the permanent staff of ICAC/GIAP with a Ramón y Cajal contract. Dr Colominas is an archaeozoologist, with a particular emphasis on the Mediterranean between the 5th century BC and the 5th century AD. Her work has focused on the development of 4 main research lines: animal husbandry, animal trade,…
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