Category: Dissemination

Workshop: Recent Advances in Water Management Studies in the Archaeology of Arid Landscapes 

On the 27th and 28th of May, we are hosting a workshop in the context of the MSCA project “UnderTheSands. Ancient irrigation detection and analysis using Advanced remote sensing methods“, lead by postdoctoral fellow Dr. Nazarij Buławka. Abstract: The workshop aims to bring together researchers specialising in archaeology and water management in arid landscapes. Water management…
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Last GIAP Seminar of 2024: “The botanical approach to Archaeobotany: plants behaviour and human adaptation”

20 June 2024, 18h CEST (UTC +2) “The botanical approach to Archaeobotany: plants behaviour and human adaptation” Prof. Anna Maria Mercuri Lab.of Palynology and Palaeobotany, Dept. Life Sciences, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy Access the webinar here: event. No registration required. Hosted in Microsoft Teams (no Microsoft/Teams account needed). Abstract:  The seminar will present…
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The archaeobotany team invited to Poland to discuss Roman foodways

Last week (6-11 of May) the archaeobotany team working on Roman foodways was invited to present their work in Poland. The visit started in Warsaw, where they were hosted by Prof. Aldona Mueller-Bieniek at the University of Warsaw. Marie Curie Fellow, Dr Patricia Vandorpe, delivered the talk ‘Defining foodways across the Roman Empire using archaeobotanical…
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Next GIAP Seminar: “Review of stable isotopic research on human diet, subsistence and mobility in Mesopotamia”

14 May 2024, 12h CEST (UTC +2) “Review of stable isotopic research on human diet, subsistence and mobility in Mesopotamia” Prof. Arkadiusz SołtysiakFaculty of Archaeology, University of Warsaw, Poland Access the webinar here: event. No registration required. Hosted in Microsoft Teams (no Microsoft/Teams account needed). Abstract:  Since 40 years, research on stable isotopes has become…
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Aristocracy and animals in the Roman residence of els Munts (Tarragona)

This week Lídia Colominas is in Belgrade (Serbia) presenting a collaborative work (ICAC, Bucknell University, UAB) on aristocracy and animals in the Roman residence of els Munts (Tarragona) at the ICAZ- 4th RPWG Conference Abstract: “Aristocracy and animals: A glimpse of human diet and animal and animal products supply systems in the Roman residence…
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Next GIAP Seminar: “La arqueología de la Guerra Civil española. Paisaje, memoria y materiales”

18 April 2024, 12h CEST (UTC +2) “La arqueología de la Guerra Civil española. Paisaje, memoria y materiales” Prof. Jordi Ramos RuizUniversidad de Barcelona (UB) & ATICS SL Access the webinar here: event. No registration required. Hosted in Microsoft Teams (no Microsoft/Teams account needed). Abstract:  Estado de la cuestión del papel que desempeña la arqueología…
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Feeding the Roman cities: an archaeobotanical approach to tastes and commerce in the Roman provinces

Today, Dr. Alexandra Livarda is presenting in the Winter Seminars – Discussing Long-Term Analysis, organized by CEIS20 Centro de Estudos Interdisciplinares of the Universidade de Coimbra, with a session on “Street food: feeding the city“, which will take place on March 21 at 4.00pm (GMT – Lisbon). Open registrations, free of charge: It will feature Dr. Livarda’s…
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The archaeology of the Bronze Age in South Asia

Today afternoon (3:00 PM in the Canary Islands), Dr. Francesc C. Conesa will give an invited lecture on the Indus Civilization and our work in India and Pakistan at the University of La Laguna. Francesc will summarise the main highlights and recent discoveries of the archaeology of the Indus Civilisation to first-year undergraduates of the…
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The rural world in the Roman period: new journal and CfP conference

Dr. Lídia Colominas, Ramón y Cajal researcher at GIAP (ICAC-CERCA) is participating in the new Fundus project, led by the University of Girona and the Archaeological Museum of Banyoles. This project centers around the investigation of the rural world during the Roman period, following a line of research initiated years ago with the publication of…
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EU-PoTaRCh’s 1st General Meeting and Conference

Dr. Valentina Pescini will be attending EU-Potarch’s 1st General Meeting and Conference, as management committee member representing Spain in this COST Action project. The meeting will be held in Prague on 5-7 March, focusing on the cultural heritage and future of non-wood forest byproducts: potash, tar, resin, and charcoal. This event provides members with their…
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