Category: MSCA

New open access paper on Computational Archaeology! Application of Multi-Temporal and Multisource Satellite Imagery in the Study of Irrigated Landscapes in Arid Climates

Dr. Nazarij Bulawka and Dr. Hèctor A. Orengo have published a new open access paper on the application of Multi-Temporal and Multisource Satellite Imagery in the Study of Irrigated Landscapes in Arid Climates. The paper is published in the Journal “Remote Sensing”. Summary: The study of ancient irrigation is crucial in the archaeological research of…
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Exploring food plants in the Roman Germania provinces: sharing our first results at the Treffen der Arbeitsgruppe Archäobotanik conference

Last week Patricia Vandorpe was in Brandenburg (Germany) presenting her MSCA Project at the yearly conference of the German archaeobotanists «Treffen der Arbeitsgruppe Archäobotanik» from the 31st of May to the 2nd of June 2024 in the Archäologischen Landesmuseum of Brandenburg. Her talk ‘Handel mit Nahrungspflanzen im Römischen Reich: Untersuchung des Wachstums und der Entwicklung…
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Workshop: Recent Advances in Water Management Studies in the Archaeology of Arid Landscapes 

On the 27th and 28th of May, we are hosting a workshop in the context of the MSCA project “UnderTheSands. Ancient irrigation detection and analysis using Advanced remote sensing methods“, lead by postdoctoral fellow Dr. Nazarij Buławka. Abstract: The workshop aims to bring together researchers specialising in archaeology and water management in arid landscapes. Water management…
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The archaeobotany team invited to Poland to discuss Roman foodways

Last week (6-11 of May) the archaeobotany team working on Roman foodways was invited to present their work in Poland. The visit started in Warsaw, where they were hosted by Prof. Aldona Mueller-Bieniek at the University of Warsaw. Marie Curie Fellow, Dr Patricia Vandorpe, delivered the talk ‘Defining foodways across the Roman Empire using archaeobotanical…
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New Excavations to Shed Light on Roman Trade and Road Network

Dr. Andrew McLean, MSCA postdoctoral fellow in GIAP (ICAC-CERCA), will collaborate in a new excavation in Istria, Croatia as part of the Economic Landscapes of Roman Istria (ELRI) project (directed by Davor Bulić, Candace Rice, and Andrew McLean). The project aims to reconstruct the economic organisation of the Barbariga site in the context of Roman…
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Qanats: discovering underground water systems through AI

Today, MSCA postdoctoral fellow Dr. Nazarij Buławka presented in the Tarragona high-school “Pons d’Icart”. The lecture aimed to introduce participants to qanats, sustainable water systems, artificial intelligence in archaeology and to present another point of view of archaeological work, in the context of his MSCA project “UnderTheSands. Ancient irrigation detection and analysis using Advanced remote…
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Immersive reconstructions of Sanctuaries and Rituals in Space and Time

Today, Efrosyni Boutsikas (MSCA researcher at ICAC & senior lecturer at University of Kent) is offering a seminar at the at the Department of the Study of Religion of Aarhus University. Towards a Cognitive Understanding of ancient Greek Ritual: Immersive reconstructions of Sanctuaries and Rituals in Space and TimeEfrosyni BoutsikasWednesday 21/02/24 at at 12h About the…
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MSCA results are out! 4 new postdoctoral fellowships for GIAP

Great news for GIAP (ICAC-CERCA) in the 2023 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) call from the European Union. We were awarded 4 new postdoctoral fellows to join us, one of which is Faidon Moudopoulos, who we celebrate will be able to extend his stay with us for another 2 years! The computational team will expand on mountain environments, pastoralism…
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Ancient Skies, Modern Tools: Charting the course of Archaeoastronomy and Cultural Astronomy in the Digital Age

On January 30 and 31, the ICAC-CERCA hosts the research seminar ‘Ancient Skies, Modern Tools: Charting the course of Archaeoastronomy and Cultural Astronomy in the Digital Age,’ organized by MSCA researcher Efrosyni Boutsikas within the framework of the STAR-AGESS research project. Ancient Skies, Modern Tools: Charting the course of Archaeoastronomy and Cultural Astronomy in the Digital…
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Scopes of working in Lebanon’s Bekaa Valley Using a Combined Remote Sensing and Geoarchaoelogical Approach

Sayantani Neogi will be in Glasgow tomorrow to present in the 2024 BANEA Annual Meeting, hosted by The University of Glasgow on the 3-5 January 2024. Organised around “Archaeological and heritage practice in Southwest Asia: towards equitable futures”, the conference will foreground archaeology’s role and responsibilities in climate change discourse; the discipline’s colonial inheritances and legacies, and…
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