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Journal publications:

Jeanjean, M. Mureau, C.; Valenzuela-Lamas, S.; Nieto Espinet, A.; Jiménez Manchon, S.; Colominas, L.; Gardeisen, A.; Renaud, A.; Saña Segui, M.; Gourichon, L.; Bonhomme, V.; Ros J.; Bouby, L.; Evin, A., 2025. “8000 Years of morphometric evolution of sheep, goat and pig in the northwestern Mediterranean basin”, The Holocene,
Messana, Ch.; Tornero, C.; Colominas, L., 2025. “Beyond the herd: investigating livestock feeding strategies in the Iron Age Iberian Peninsula (3rd c. BC) through a multi‐isotope analysis”, Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 17.
Ntinou, M. Picornell-Gelabert, Ll., Apostolakou, V., Brogan, T., Livarda., A., Sophianou, C.H. and Soles, J. 2025. Woodlands, tree management, and fuel economy in Bronze Age eastern Crete: an anthracological approach, Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 62 105010
Apostolou, G., Venieri, K., Mayoral, A., Dimaki, S., Garcia-Molsosa, A., Georgiadis, M., & Orengo, H. A.(2024). Integrating legacy survey data into GIS-based analysis: The rediscovery of the archaeological landscapes in Grevena (Western Macedonia, Greece). Archaeological Prospection, 1–16.
Apostolou, G., Mayoral, A., Venieri, K., Dimaki, S., Garcia-Molsosa, A., Georgiadis, M. and Orengo, H. A., 2024. Holocene alluvial dynamics, soil erosion and settlement in the uplands of Macedonia (Greece): New geoarchaeological insights from Xerolakkos in Grevena, in Quaternary Science Advances 15: 100206.
Apostolou, G., Venieri, K., Mayoral, A., Dimaki, S., Garcia-Molsosa, A., Georgiadis, M. and Orengo, H. A., 2024. Long-term settlement dynamics in ancient Macedonia: A new multi-disciplinary survey from Grevena (NW Greece), in Land 13(11): 1769.
Apostolou, G., Dimaki, S., Georgiadis, M., Garcia-Molsosa, A. and Orengo, H. A., 2024. Surface survey and digital archaeology in action: The case of Grevena, in Y. Chatzikonstantinou (ed.) ARCHAEOZOOMS: Aspects and Potentials of Modern Archaeological Research. Propylaeum, Heidelberg University Library: 154–183.
Badenes-Placencia, S. 2024. “Els camins-barrancs de la Plana de Castelló: l’ús dels llits dels barrancs com a elements de xarxa viària històrica”. Cuadernos de Geografía de la Universitat de València, 1(112), 27–53. ISSN 0210-086X
Badenes-Placencia, S., Caldés, O. 2024. “Poblament i numismàtica tardoantics a la Plana de Castelló”. Quaderns de Prehistòria i Arqueologia de Castelló, 41, 223-239. ISSN 1137-0793
Baniou, Th., Suryanarayan, A., Livarda, A., Romaní Sala, N., Moraleda Cibrián, N., Villanueva, J., Rodrigo Requena, E. Tracing culinary practices in the western provinces of the Roman Empire using Organic Residue Analysis. Archaeological and Anthropological Science 16 (103), (2024) pp. 1-16
Baniou, Th., Livarda, A., Romaní Sala, N., Rodrigo Requena, E. The diet in the Roman period through the study of sites with waterlogged assemblages: the case study of Guissona (Catalonia, Spain). In: Chatzikonstantinou Y (ed) Archaeozooms: Aspects and potentials of modern archaeological research. Propylaeum, (2024) pp. 234-355, DOI:10.11588/propylaeum.1319.c19013.
Broodbank, C., Lucarini, G., Bokbot, Y., Benattia, H., Bigoulimen, A., Brucato, A., Farr, L., Garcia-Molsosa, A., Hachami, H., Laoutari, R., Lombardi, L., Marsilio, A., Martin, L., Martínez Sánchez, R. M., Mazzini, I., Morales, J., Pelegrin, J., Radi, M., Rega, F. M., … Wilkinson, T. (2024). The prehistoric site of Oued Beht, Khémisset, Morocco: An interpretative report on 2021–2022 fieldwork and associated research. Libyan Studies, 1-38.
Broodbank, C., Lucarini, G., Bokbot, Y., Benattia, H., Bigoulimen, A., Farr, L., Garcia-Molsosa, A., Hachami, H., Laoutari, R., Lombardi, L., Marsilio, A., Martin, L., Morales, J., Radi, M., Rega, F. M., & Wilkinson, T. (2024). Oued Beht, Morocco: A complex early farming society in north-west Africa and its implications for western Mediterranean interaction during later prehistory. Antiquity, 98(401), 1199-1218.
Buławka, N., Orengo, H. A., Berganzo-Besga, B. Deep Learning-Based Detection of Qanat Underground Water Distribution Systems Using HEXAGON Spy Satellite Imagery. Journal of Archaeological Science Volume 171, 2024, 106053, ISSN 0305-4403,
Buławka, N., Orengo, H. A. Application of multi-temporal and multisource satellite imagery in the study of irrigated landscapes in arid climates. Remote Sensing Volume 16 nr 11, 2024, 1997, ISSN 2072-4292,
Canudas, P., Mayoral, A*., & Garcia-Molsosa, A. (2/3), 2024. Reconstructing palaeogeography and landscapes around the ancient Greek colony of Abdera (Thrace, NE Gr.): an integrated remote sensing approach. European Journal of Remote Sensing, 57(1), 2392753., IF: 3,7; CiteScore: 7; rank 15/73. [Journal Article]
Carbonell, A.; Colominas, L.; Pescini, V.; Aliende, P.; Palet, J.M.; Mayoral, A.; Égüez, N., 2024. “Rere les passes de la transhumància a l’antiguitat. Arqueologia d’alta muntanya al Massís de Puigpedrós i a la Vall del Duran (La Cerdanya)” a Trepat, E.; Borrel, M., II Congrés de Transhumància i Camins Ramaders de Catalunya, Institut per al Desenvolupament de l’Alt Pirineu i l’Aran, p. 86-91.
Ciurana, J., Garcia, A., Oliver, J., & Soler, R. (2024). Localització i excavació arqueològica d’una església altmedieval perduda a les envistes del Montseny: Sant Julià de Valldaneu (Sant Martí de Centelles, Osona). Monografies del Montseny, 39, 81-92.
Colominas, L., “La ramaderia durant l’època romana al nord‐est peninsular: alguns exemples i reflexions” 2024. a Marc Bouzas, Josep Burch, Pere Castanyer, Joan Frigola, Joaquim Tremoleda, Ager Mutabilis. L’explotació del territori en època romana, Studies on the rural world in the Roman Period, Girona, p. 138-160.
Diffey C, Emberling G, Bogaard A, Charles M. “Cropping the Margins”: New Evidence for Urban Agriculture at Mid-3rd Millenium B.C.E. Tell Brak, Syria. Iraq. 2024:1-28. doi:10.1017/irq.2023.3
Gallego-Valle, A., Colominas, L. & Palet, J.M., 2024. “Ewes of a leather flock together. Feeding management systems during Late Antiquity in the northeast of the Iberian Peninsula (4 c. – 8 c. AD): a dental microwear approach”, Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 16, 113.
Mayoral, A*., Berger, J-F., Peiry, J-L., Ledger, P., Miras, Y. (1/5), 2024. Geoarchaeological analysis of pedosedimentary archives from site-environment interfaces: reconstructing palaeoenvironmental impacts of protohistoric settlements and towns at Corent (France). Full paper in: Borderie, Q. & Salomon, F. (eds.) (2024): Urban Geoarchaeology, CNRS Alpha collection, CNRS Éditions, Paris. [Book chapter]
Mayoral, A., Ejarque, A., Garcia-Molsosa, A., Georgiadis, M., Apostolou, G., Gaertner, V., Kallintzi, C., Kefalidou, E., Orengo, H. A city against the current: A reconstruction of Holocene sea-level changes and the evolution of coastal landscapes in ancient Abdera (Thrace, Gr.), CATENA, Volume 235, 2024, 107638, ISSN 0341-8162,
Belarte, M.C.; Portillo, M.; Mateu, M.; Saorin, C.; Pastor, M.; Vila, S.; Pescini, V., “An interdisciplinary approach to the combustion structures of the Western Mediterranean Iron Age. The first results”, Journal of Archaeological Science Reports, 47.
Berganzo-Besga, I., Orengo, H.A., Lumbreras, F. et al. Curriculum learning-based strategy for low-density archaeological mound detection from historical maps in India and Pakistan. Sci Rep 13, 11257 (2023).
Colominas, L., Portillo, M., Morera, J. et al. Livestock management at the Late Iron Age site of Baltarga (eastern Pyrenees): an integrated bio-geoarchaeological approach. Archaeol Anthropol Sci 15, 159 (2023).
Conesa, F. C. 2023. L’últim front al Maresme: la batalla del Turó del Balís a finals de gener de 1939 . Ebre 38: Revista Internacional De La Guerra Civil, 1936-1939, 13(13), 7–35.
Conesa, F.C., Orengo, H.A., Lobo, A., Petrie, C.A. 2023. An Algorithm to Detect Endangered Cultural Heritage by Agricultural Expansion in Drylands at a Global Scale. Remote Sens. 2023, 15, 53.
Garcia-Molsosa, A., Orengo, H.A. & Petrie, C.A. Reconstructing long-term settlement histories on complex alluvial floodplains by integrating historical map analysis and remote-sensing: an archaeological analysis of the landscape of the Indus River Basin. Herit Sci 11, 141 (2023).
Livarda, A., Picornell-Gelabert, Ll., Tzevelekidi, V., Veropoulidou, R., Orengo, H.A., Cañellas-Boltà, N., Riera-Mora, S., Marlasca, R., Tsoraki, C., Krahtopoulou, A., Kriti, A. 2023. Gestió de la dieta i dels recursos naturals a la ciutat minoica de Palaikastro (est de Creta).Tribuna d’Arqueologia 2019-2020.
Livarda A., Tzevelekidi V., Veropoulidou R., Marlasca Martín R. 2023 Archaeobotanical and Zooarchaeological (Large Mammal Bone, Shell and Fish Remains) Data from the ‘Palace and Landscape at Palaikastro’ (PALAP) Excavation Project, Crete, Greece. Journal of Open Archaeology Data, 11: 7, pp. 1–5. DOI:
Messana, C., Tornero, C., Madgwick, R., Lamb, A. L., Evans, J., Colominas, L. (2023). “Between valleys, plateaus, and mountains: unveiling livestock altitudinal mobility in the Iron Age Iberian Peninsula (3rd c. BC) through a multi-isotope approach”, Frontiers in Environmental Archaeology, Volume 2 – 2023.
Messana, C., Tornero, C. & Colominas, L. 2023. Choose what suits you best: reproductive patterns and livestock management in the Iron Age Iberian Peninsula (3rd c. BC).Archaeol Anthropol Sci 15, 56.
Moudopoulos-Athanasiou, F., & Kolovos, E. (2023). Fragments from Ottoman Zagori: Continuity and change in a montane landscape through a local perspective. Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies, 1-17. doi: 10.1017/byz.2023.24
Moudopoulos-Athanasiou, F. 2023. Pathways to Know and Sidetracks to Forget: Walking and the Montane Cultural Landscape of Zagori (Northwestern Greece). Journal of Eastern Mediterranean Archaeology and Heritage Studies 3 February 2023; 11 (1): 1–20.
Olesti, O.; Morera, J.; Oller, J.; Carrasco, J.; Colominas, L.; Portillo, M.; Berrocal, A.; Lopez-Bultó, O.; Obea, L.; Tarifa, N.; Tárraga, P.; Sisa-Lopez, J.; Messana, Ch., 2024. “The exploitation of mountain natural resources during the Iron Age in the Eastern Pyrenees: the case study of production unit G at Tossal de Baltarga (Bellver de Cerdanya, Lleida, Spain)”, Frontiers in Environmental Archaeology.
Pescini, V., Carbonell, A., Colominas, L., Egüez, N., Mayoral, A., Palet, J.M. 2023 Neolithic livestock practices in high mountain areas: A multi-proxy study of pastoral enclosures of Molleres II (Eastern Pyrenees). Quaternary International, 2023, ISSN 1040-6182.
Berganzo-Besga, I.; Orengo, H.A.; Canela, J.; Belarte, M.C. 2022. Potential of Multitemporal Lidar for the Detection of Subtle Archaeological Features under Perennial Dense Forest. Land 2022, 11, 1964.
Berganzo-Besga, I., Orengo, H.A., Lumbreras, F., Aliende, P., N. Ramsey, M. 2022. Automated detection and classification of multi-cell Phytoliths using Deep Learning-Based Algorithms. Journal of Archaeological Science
Bode, L.J.K., Livarda, A. & Jones, M.D. 2022. Plant gathering and people-environment interactions at Epipalaeolithic Kharaneh IV, Jordan. Veget Hist Archaeobot 31, 85–96.
Colominas, L., Olesti, O. Guàrdia, J., Harzbecher, K. 2022. Supplying the Roman army? Animal production and consumption in the countryside of north-eastern Iberia (Can Rubió, la Garrotxa). Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, Volume 45, 2022, 103561.
Ejarque, A., Julià, R., Castanyer, P., Orengo, H. A., Palet, J. M., & Riera, S. 2022. Landscape footprints of peopling and colonisation from the Late Bronze Age to Antiquity in the coastal hinterland of Emporion-Emporiae, NE Iberia. The Holocene.
Gallego-Valle, A., Colominas, L. and Palet, J.M. 2022. From Villae to Early Medieval Communities in Tarraconensis region (northeast of the Iberian Peninsula): Changes and Continuities in Herding Practices. DOI: 10.1080/14614103.2022.2053828
Georgiadis, M, Kallintzi, C., Garcia-Molsosa, A., Orengo, H.; Kefalidou, E. and Motsiou, P. 2022. The Archaeological Project at Abdera and Xanthi (APAX) 2015-2019: A Preliminary Report. Journal of Field Archaeology.
Georgiadis, M., Kallintzi, C., Garcia-Molsosa, A. et al. 2022. The archaeological survey at Abdera and Xanthi 2015–2019: long-term analysis of colonial relations in Thrace. Archaeol Anthropol Sci 14, 167 (2022).
Kallintzi, C. Georgiadis, M., Kefalidou, E. and Hatziprokopiou, K., “Archaic and Classical Abdera: Economy and Wealth by the Nestos Riverside” a Kefalidou, E., The Riverlands of Aegean Thrace: Production, Consumption and Exploitation of the Natural and Cultural Landscape,(Bonn (Germany), 2018), Propylaeum, Heidelberg, p. 7-20.
Knodell, A.R., Wilkinson, T.C., Leppard, T.P. and Orengo, H.A. Survey Archaeology in the Mediterranean World: Regional Traditions and Contributions to Long-Term History. J Archaeol Res (2022).
Gabellieri, N., Pescini, V., “Cartografia storica e fonti bio-stratigrafiche per la caratterizzazione dei paesaggi vitivinicoli storici: casi applicativi in Liguria e Trentino”, Bollettino dell’Associazione Italiana di Cartografia, 174, p. 120-132.
Singh, P. S:; Karthikeyan S., “Enhanced classification of remotely sensed hyperspectral images through efficient band selection using autoencoders and genetic algorithm”, Neural Computing and Applications, 34, p. 21539–21550.
Singh, P.S.; Karthikeyan S., “Salient object detection in hyperspectral images using deep background reconstruction based anomaly detection”, Remote Sensing Letters, 13:2, p. 184-195.
Salazar-García, D.; Colominas, L.; Jordana, X. 2022. “Food for the soul and food for the body. Studying dietary patterns and funerary meals in the Western Roman Empire: An anthropological and archaeozoological approach”, PLOS ONE, 17(8).
Berganzo-Besga, I.; Orengo, H.A.; Lumbreras, F.; Carrero-Pazos, M.; Fonte, J.; Vilas-Estévez, B. 2021. Hybrid MSRM-Based Deep Learning and Multitemporal Sentinel 2-Based Machine Learning Algorithm Detects Near 10k Archaeological Tumuli in North-Western Iberia. Remote Sens. 2021, 13, 4181.
Bode, L.J.K.; Livarda, A.; Jones, M.D. 2021. Plant gathering and people-environment interactions at Epiplaeolithic Kharaneh IV, Jordan. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany.
Buławka, N.; Kaim, B.; Rzeplińska, M., “Berdysyčran-depe: A bronze age site in the lower Tedjen river valley, Turkmenistan. Archaeological Research in Asia, 28C, 100326”, Archaeological Research in Asia, 28C, p. 100326.
Colominas, L.; Castanyer, P.; Frigola, J.; Tremoleda, J. 2021. What Happened in That Pit? An Archaeozoological and GIS Approach to Study an Accumulation of Animal Carcasses at the Roman Villa of Vilauba (Catalonia). Animals 11, 2214.
Garcia-Molsosa, A., Orengo, H.A., Lawrence, D., Philip, G., Hopper, K., Petrie, C.A. 2021. Potential of deep learning segmentation for the extraction of archaeological features from historical map series. Archaeological Prospection, vol 28-2.
Livarda, A. 2021. Food and culture: Stories of the past. Antiquity, 1-3. doi:10.15184/aqy.2021.147
Mayoral, A. Vernet, G., Voldoire, O., Berger, J.F., Miras, Y., Defive, E. Times are changing: A new chronology for Holocene volcanic events and hydro-sedimentary history recorded in the Sarliève marsh (central France). Quaternary Science Reviews. Volume 272, 2021,107237. ISSN 0277-3791.
Nieto Espinet, A.; Huet, T.; Trentacoste, A.; Guimarães, S.; Orengo, H.; Valenzuela Lamas, S., “Resilience and livestock adaptations to demographic growth and technological change: A diachronic perspective from the Late Bronze Age to Late Antiquity in NE Iberia”, PLoS ONE, 16(2), p. e0246201.
Orengo, H.A.; Garcia-Molsosa, A.; Berganzo-Besga, I.; Landauer, J.; Aliende, P. and Tres-Martínez, S. 2021. New developments in drone-based automated surface survey: towards a functional and effective survey system. Archaeological Prospection.
Palet, J.M.; Garcia-Molsosa, A.; Rodrigo, E.; Orengo, H.A.; Ortega, M.J. 2021. Structuration et occupation de la plaine littorale d’Empúries dans l’Antiquité: espaces agraires et réseaux centuriés”, Méditerranée, Journal of Mediterranean Geography (2019).
Singh, P.S.; Singh, V.P.; Pandey, M.K.; Karthikeyan S., “Enhanced classification of hyperspectral images using improvised oversampling and undersampling techniques”, International Journal of Information Technology, 389–396, p. 14.
Toumazet, J. P., Simon, F. X., & Mayoral, A., “Self-AdaptIve LOcal Relief Enhancer (SAILORE): A New Filter to Improve Local Relief Model Performances according to Local Topography”, Geomatics, 1(4), p. 450-463.
Azaza, M. and Colominas, L. 2020. Roman Tunisian dietary patterns as a feature of Romanitas: an archaeozoological approach. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology, 30(4): 529-537.
Azaza, M. and Colominas, L. 2020. The Roman introduction and exportation of animals into Tunisia: Linking archaeozoology with textual and iconographic evidence. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 29: 1-9.
Colominas, L.; Palet, J. M. and Garcia-Molsosa, A. 2020. What happened in the highlands? Characterising Pyrenean livestock practices during the transition from the Iron Age to the Roman period. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 12: 69-80.
Gabellieri N., Panetta A., Pescini V., 2020, The “5T.ERA project”. Bridging research with application for the management of the Cinque Terre rural landscape, in Panetta A., Pescini V., Py-Saragaglia V. (Eds) Disassembling landscape. Applied environmental archaeology and historical ecology, Quaderni Storici, n°164, pp. 311-341,
Gallego-Valle, A.; Colominas, L.; Burguet-Coca, A.; Aguilera, M.; Palet, J.M. and Tornero, C. 2020. What is on the menu today? Creating a microwear reference collection through a controlled-food trial to study feeding management systems of ancient agropastoral societies. Quaternary International, 557: 3-11.
Garcia-Molsosa, A.; Orengo, H.A.; Lawrence, D.; Philip, G.; Hopper, K. and Petrie, C.A. 2020. Potential of deep learning segmentation for the extraction of archaeological features from historical map series. Archaeological Prospection.
Κωνσταντίνα Καλλιντζή, Μερκούριος Γεωργιάδης, Ευρυδίκη Κεφαλίδου, Ιωάννης Ξυδόπουλος, Μαρία Χρυσάφη, Κυριακή Χατζηπροκοπίου, Δέσποινα Σκουλαρίκη, Hector Orengo, Arnau Garcia, “Αρχαιολογικό Πρόγραμμα Αβδήρων και Ξάνθης (ΑΠΑΞ): πρώτο έτος της επιφανειακής έρευνας”, το αρχαιολογικο εργο στη μακεδονια και στη θρακη, το αρχαιολογικο εργο στη μακεδονια και στη θρακη 29, Thessaloniki, p. 529-538.
Livarda, A.; Orengo, H.A.; Cañellas-Boltà, N.; Riera-Mora, S.; Picornell-Gelabert, Ll.; Tzevelekidi, V.; Veropoulidou, R.; Marlasca Martín, R. and Krahtopoulou, A. 2020. Mediterranean polyculture revisited: olive, grape and subsistence strategies at Palaikastro, East Crete, between the Late Neolithic and Late Bronze Age. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, 61: 101271.
Livarda, A. and Kotzamani, G. 2020. Plant resources and subsistence in the Late Minoan mountain ‘villa’ at Zominthos, Crete. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 12(237) DOI: 10.1007/s12520-020-01203-1.
Mayoral, A.; Berger, J-F.; Peiry, J-L.; Ledger, P.; Miras, Y. 2020. Five millennia of human-environment interactions reconstructed from pedosedimentary archives of the Lac du Puy wetland (Corent, Fr.). CATENA, 195: 104908.
Mayoral, A.; Granai, S.; Develle, A-L.; Peiry, J-L; Miras, Y.; Couderc, F.; Vernet, G.; Berger, J-F. 2020. Early human impact on soils and hydro-sedimentary systems: multi-proxy geoarchaeological analyses from La Narse de la Sauvetat (France). The Holocene, 30 (12): 1780-1800.
Nieto Espinet, A.; Huet, T.; Trentacoste, A.; Guimarães, S.; Orengo, H. and Valenzuela Lamas, S. 2020. Resilience and livestock adaptations to demographic growth and technological change: A diachronic perspective from the Late Bronze Age to Late Antiquity in NE Iberia. PLOS ONE, 16(2): e024620. 10.1371/journal.pone.0246201
Orengo, H.A.; Conesa, F.C.; Garcia-Molsosa, A.; Lobo, A.; Green, A.S.; Madella, M. and Petrie, C.A. 2020. Automated detection of archaeological mounds using machine learning classification of multi-sensor and multi-temporal satellite data. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 117(31): 18240-18250.
Santiago, R.; Nadal, J.; Livarda, A.; Bouchard-Perron, J.-A.; López Bultó, O.; Roselló, E.; Morales, Muñiz A., “Estudi bioarqueològic de la intervenció arqueològica al Turó de la Rovira: configuració paisatgística i explotació dels recursos naturals”, Anuari d’Arqueologia i Patrimoni de Barcelona 2018, p. 352-376.
Simon, F-X.; Pareilh-Peyrou, M.; Buvat, S.; Mayoral, A.; Labazuy, P.; Kelfoun, K.; Tabbagh, A. 2020. Quantifying multiple electromagnetic properties in EMI surveys: A case study of hydromorphic soils in a volcanic context – The Lac du Puy (France). Geoderma, 361: 114084.
Wilkinson, T. C.; Slawisch, A. 2020. An agro-pastoral palimpsest: New insights into the historical rural economy of the Milesian peninsula from aerial and remote-sensing imagery. Anatolian Studies, 70: 181-206.
Azaza, M.; Colominas, L., “Romanization and Animal husbandry in Tunisia: demand for wool ?” a Gourichon, L.; Daujeard, C.; Brugal, J.-P. (eds.), Hommes et Caprinés: De la montagne à la steppe, de la chasse à l’élevage (Antibes (França), del 16 al 18 d’octubre del 2018), Éditions APDCA, Antibes, p. 243-254.
Colominas, L., “Estudi arqueozoològic de les restes de fauna recuperades al jaciment del Turó de la Rovira (Barcelona)”, Anuari d’arqueologia i patrimoni de Barcelona, 2017, p. 262-308.
Colominas, L.; Antolín, F.; Ferrer, M.; Castanyer, P. and Tremoleda, J. 2019. From Vilauba to Vila Alba: Changes and continuities in animal and crop husbandry practices from the Early Roman to the beginning of the Middle Ages in the north-east of the Iberian Peninsula. Quaternary International, 499:67-79.
Colominas, L.; Evin, A.; Burch, J.; Campmajó; P.; Casas, J.; Castanyer, P.; Carreras, C.; Guardia, J.; Olesti, O.; Pons, E.; Tremoleda, J. and Palet, J.M. 2019. Behind the steps of ancient livestock mobility in Iberia: new insights from a Geometric Morphometric approach. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 11(9):4971-4982.
Garcia, A.; Orengo, H.A.; Conesa, F.C.; Green, A.S. and Petrie, C.A. 2019. Remote Sensing and historical Morphodynamics of alluvial plains. The 1909 Indus flood and the city of Dera Ghazi Khan (Province of Punjab, Pakistan). Geosciences, 9(1): 21.
Green, A.S.; Orengo, H.A.; Alam, A.; Garcia-Molsosa, A.; Green, L.M.; Conesa, F.; Ranjan, A.; Singh, R.N. and Petrie, C.A. 2019. Re-discovering ancient landscapes: archaeological survey of mound features from historical maps in northwest India and implications for investigating the large-scale distribution of cultural heritage sites in South Asia. Remote Sensing: 11(18): 2089.
Jiménez-Manchón, S.; Valenzuela-Lamas, S.; Caceres, I.; Orengo, H.; Gardeisen, A.; Lopez, D. and Rivals, F. 2019. Reconstruction of caprine management and landscape use through dental microwear analysis: the case of the Iron Age site of El Turó de la Font de la Canya (Barcelona, Spain). Environmental Archaeology, 24(3): 306-316.
Orengo, H.A. and Garcia-Molsosa, A. 2019. A brave new world for archaeological survey: automated machine learning-based potsherd detection using high-resolution drone imagery. Journal of Archaeological Science, 112: 105013.
Orengo, H.A.; Garcia-Molsosa, A.; Conesa, F.C.; Green, A.S.; Singh, R.N. and Petrie, C.A. 2019. Combining TanDEM-X with multi-temporal, multi-source satellite data for the reconstruction of the Bronze Age landscapes of the Indus Civilisation. International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), July 2019, Article number 8898852: 4581-4584.
Pescini V., 2019, Which Origin for Charcoal in Soils? Case-Studies of Environmental Resources Archaeology (ERA) From the Ligurian Apennines, Seventh to the Twentieth Century. Front. Environ. Sci. 7:77.
Petrie, C.A.; Orengo, H.A.; Green, A.S.; Walker, J.R.; Garcia, A.; Conesa, F.; Knox, J.R. and Singh, R.N. 2019. Mapping archaeology while mapping an empire: using historical maps to reconstruct ancient settlement landscapes in modern India and Pakistan. Geosciences, 9(1): 11.
Wallace, M.; Jones, G.; Charles, M.; Forster, E.; Stillman, E.; Bonhomme, V.; Livarda, A.; Osborne, C.P.; Rees, M.; Frenck, G.; Preece, C. 2019. Re-analysis of archaeobotanical remains from pre- and early agricultural sites provides no evidence for a narrowing of the wild plant food spectrum during the origins of agriculture in southwest Asia. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany, 28(4): 449–463.
Cañellas-Boltà, N.; Riera-Mora, S.; Orengo, H.A.; Livarda, A. and Knappett, C. 2018. Human management and landscape changes at Palaikastro (Eastern Crete) from the Late Neolithic to the Early Minoan period. Quaternary Science Reviews, 183: 59-75.
Kotzamani, G.; Livarda, A. 2018. People and plant entanglements at the dawn of agricultural practice in Greece. An analysis of the Mesolithic and early Neolithic archaeobotanical remains. Quaternary International, 496: 80–101.
Mayoral, A., Peiry, J. L., Berger, J. F., Simon, F. X., Vautier, F., & Miras, Y., “Origin and Holocene geomorphological evolution of the landslide-dammed basin of la Narse de la Sauvetat (Massif Central, France)”, Geomorphology, 320, p. 162-178.
Mayoral, A.; Peiry, J.-L.; Berger, J. F.; Ledger, P. M.; Depreux, B.; Simon, F. X.; Milcent, P.-Y.; Poux, M.; Vautier, F.; Miras, Y., “Geoarchaeology and chronostratigraphy of the Lac du Puy intra-urban protohistoric wetland, Corent, France. Geoarchaeology”, Geoarchaeology, 33, 5, p. 594-604.
Miras, Y., Mariani, M., Ledger, P.M., Mayoral, A., Chassiot, L., Lavrieux, M., “Holocene vegetation dynamics and first land-cover estimates in the Auvergne Mountains (Massif Central, France): key tools to landscape management.”, Interdisciplinaria Archeologica: Natural Sciences in Archaeology, IX/2, p. 179–190.
Orengo, H.A. and Knappett, C. 2018. Towards a definition of Minoan agro-pastoral landscapes: results of the survey at Palaikastro (Crete). American Journal of Archaeology, 122(3): 479-507.
Orengo, H.A. and Petrie, C.A. 2018. Multi-Scale Relief Model (MSRM): a new algorithm for the visualisation of subtle topographic change of variable size in digital elevation models. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 43(6): 1361-9.
Palet, J. M., “Institut Català d’Arqueologia Clàssica: quinze anys de recerca en l’Antiguitat clàssica a la Mediterrània antiga”, Auriga, 95, p. 26-28.
Pescini V., Montanari C., Moreno D., 2018, Multi-proxy record of environmental changes and past land use practices in a Mediterranean landscape: the Punta Mesco Cape (Liguria- Italy) between the 15th and 20th century, Quaternary International Journal, 463, pp. 376-390.
Slawisch, A; Wilkinson, T.C., “Processions, Propaganda and Pixels: Reconstructing the ‘Sacred Way’ between Miletos and Didyma”, American Journal of Archaeology, 122(1), p. 101-43.
Valenzuela-Lamas, S.; Orengo, H.A.; Bosch, D.; Pellegrini, M.; Halstead, P.; Nieto-Espinet, A.; Trentacoste, A.; Jiménez-Manchón, S.; López-Reyes, D. and Jornet-Niella, R. 2018. Shipping amphorae and shipping sheep? Livestock mobility in the north-east Iberian peninsula during the Iron Age based on strontium isotopic analyses of sheep and goat tooth enamel. PLOS ONE, 13(10): e0205283.
Colominas, L. 2017. Roman Conquest and Changes in Animal Husbandry in the North-East of the Iberian Peninsula: Searching for Patterns, Rates and Singularities, Archaeofauna. International Journal of archaeozoology, 26: 9-22.
Colominas, L., “Pràctiques ramaderes a la plana de la Cerdanya entre els segles III ane – III ne: més que pernae”, Treballs d’Arqueologia, 21, p. 129-147.
Colominas, L.; Fernández, C. and Iborra, P. 2017. Animal Husbandry and Hunting Practices in Hispania Tarraconensis: An Overview. European Journal of Archaeology, 20: 510-534.
Colominas, L.; Edwards, C. J. 2017. Livestock Trade during the Early Roman Period: First Clues from the Trading Post of Empúries (Catalonia). International Journal of Osteoarchaeology, Volume 27(2): 167–179.
Gallego, A.; Rivals, F.; Colominas, L.; Palet, J.M. 2017. Pastando en las marismas. Una aproximación desde la técnica del microdesgaste dentario a la alimentación del ganado ovino en el Empordà romano (noreste de la Península Ibérica). Pyrenae, 48(1): 93-113.
Gómez Pallarés, J.; Garcia, A.; Colominas, L.; Gallego, A.; Roig, J. 2017. La tradición epócrifa de Eugenio de Toledo a la luz de un nuevo hallazgo epigráfico. Aevum, 91.2: 295-310.
Mayoral, A., Toumazet, J. P., Simon, F. X., Vautier, F., & Peiry, J. L., “The highest gradient model: A new method for analytical assessment of the efficiency of LiDAR-derived visualization techniques for landform detection and mapping.”, Remote Sensing, 9, p. 120.
Orengo, H.A. and Petrie, C.A. 2017. Large-scale, multi-temporal remote sensing of palaeo-river networks: a case study from northwest India and its implications for the Indus Civilisation. Remote Sensing, 9(7): 735.
Palet, J.M.; Garcia, A.; Orengo, H.A. and Polonio, T. 2017. Els espais altimontans pirenaics orientals a l’Antiguitat: 10 anys d’estudis en arqueologia del paisatge del GIAP-ICAC. Treballs d’Arqueologia, 21: 77-97.
Preece, C.; Livarda, A.; Christin, P.-A.; Wallace, M.; Martin, G.; Charles, M.; Jones, G.; Rees, M.; Osborne, C.P. 2017. How did the domestication of Fertile Crescent grain crops increase their yields? Functional Ecology, 31(2): 387-397.
Strupler, N.; Wilkinson, T.C., “Reproducibility in the field: transparency, version control and collaboration on the Project Panormos Survey”, Open Archaeology, 3, p. 279-304.
Carmona, P.; Ruiz-Pérez, J.M.; Blázquez, A.M.; López-Belzunce, M.; Riera-Mora, S. and Orengo, H.A. 2016. Environmental evolution and mid-late Holocene climate events in the Valencia lagoon (Mediterranean coast of Spain). The Holocene, 26: 1750-65.
Colominas, L. 2016. Morphometric variability of Roman dogs in Hispania Tarraconensis: The case study of the Vila de Madrid necropolis. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology, 26(5): 897-905.
Orengo, H.A. and Livarda, A. 2016. The seeds of commerce: a network analysis-based approach to the Romano-British transport system. Journal of Archaeological Science, 66: 21-35.
Pérez, M.; Bea, D.; Diloli, J.; Vilà, J.; Prades, M. 2016. La Gessera: an Iberian Building for Worship? (Tarragona, Spain). Mediterranean Archaeology & Archaeometry 16(4): 291-295.
Carmona, P.; Ruiz-Pérez, J.M.; Blázquez, A.M.; López-Belzunce, M.; Riera-Mora, S. and Orengo, H.A. 2016. Environmental evolution and mid-late Holocene climate events in the Valencia lagoon (Mediterranean coast of Spain). The Holocene, 26: 1750-65.
Vautier F., Simon F.-X., Dousteyssier B., Mayoral A., Miras, Y.,, “Utilisation de méthodes non intrusives pour la détection et la cartographie de vestiges archéologiques et des formes du relief dans le cadre du programme AYPONA”, Revue d’Auvergne, 618, p. 173-180.
Books (selection):

Garcia-Molsosa, A. (ed.) 2023. Archaeology of Mountain Landscapes: Interdisciplinary Research Strategies of Agro-Pastoralism in Upland Regions. IEMA Proceedings, vol. 6, State University of New York Press, New York. October 2023. ISBN 9781438489872.
Jaffe, Y. (2023). Food in Ancient China (Elements in the Archaeology of Food. Edited by Twiss, K. and Livarda, A.). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. December 2023. ISSN 2754-2971 (online), ISSN 2754-2963 (print).
Moudopoulos, F. (ed) 2023. : (Dis)continuities in the High Mountains. Exploring the culture of the mountains. Land+Water publishers. ISBN 9786188688308
Palet, J. M. (ed.). 2021. Paisatge històric a la muntanya de Montjuïc: resultats del projecte La Satalia, Materials d’urbanisme i ciutat, Ajuntament de Barcelona, Barcelona.
Gabellieri N., Pescini V., Tinterri D. (Eds), 2020, Sulle tracce dei pastori in Liguria, Eredità storiche e ambientali della transumanza in Liguria, SAGEP, Genova. ISBN 978-88-6373-646-5
Palet, J.M. (ed.) 2020. Landscape morphology on Montjuïc. Results of the Satalia project. Trama ICAC. Tarragona (in press)
Cervelló, J.; Palet, J. M.; Serrallonga, J.; Torras, N. (eds.) 2018. Història I, FUOC, Barcelona.
Cervelló, J.; Torras, N.; Palet, J. M.; Nadal, J. (eds.) 2018. El mundo antiguo, FUOC, Barcelona.
Livarda, A.; Madgwick, R.; Riera Mora, S. (eds.) 2018. The Bioarchaeology of Ritual and Religion, Oxbow, Oxford.
Pitarch, A.; Alapont, LL. and Orengo, H.A. 2017. Arqueologia de l’Horta Sud. Torrent, Institut d’Estudis Comarcals de l’Horta Sud.
Palet, J. M.; Orengo, H. A. (eds.), Multi-, inter- and transdisciplinary research in Landscape Archaeology, Proceedings of the 3rd International Landscape Archaeology Conference in Rome, Italy, University Library, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Amsterdam.
Gabellieri N., Pescini V., (Eds), 2015, Biografia di un paesaggio rurale. Storia, geografia e archeologia ambientale per la riqualificazione di Case Lovara (promontorio del Mesco – La Spezia), Oltre Edizioni, Sestri levante. ISBN 9788897264606
Book chapters & proceedings (selection):

Badenes-Placencia, S. 2023. Arqueologia i boom immobiliari: el cas de la Plaça Major de Vila-real. Carbonell-Pastor, S. et al. (eds.). Periferias: desde los márgenes de la arqueología. Alicante: Instituto Universitario de Investigación en Arqueología y Patrimonio Histórico (INAPH); Publicaciones de la Universidad de Alicante. (Petracos; 12). p. 189-198. ISBN 978-84-1302-220-8.
Kefalidou, E.; Georgiadis, M.; Garcia-Molsosa, A.; Mayoral, A.; Orengo, H.A. & Kallintzi, C. 2023. The Archaeological Project of Abdera and Xanthi (APAX): Preliminary Update on the 2022 Survey Program. In A. Avramidou & Donati, J.C. (eds.) Surveying Aegean Thrace in the Digital Era. Proceedings of the Workshop held for the Research Project Archaeological and Geophysical Research at the Peraia of Samothrace (HFRI-FM17-750). Democritus University of Thrace, Komotini: 99-108.
Moudopoulos-Athanasiou, F. 2023. A dervish in Zagori: the forgotten materialities of the early moder period. In Plantzos, D. (ed.) The monuments of the Others. Athens: Nefeli. Link to publication
Moudopoulos-Athanasiou, F. 2023. The koulia of Hasani Baba in Zagori and Ottoman Archaeology. In Kolovos, E., Pallis, G., Pangiotis, P (eds.) Ottoman Monuments in Greece: heritages under negotiation. Kapon Publishers, Athens. Link to publication
Moudopoulos-Athanasiou, F. 2023. Two unpublished ottoman documents from the decade of 1820 and their importance for Zagori. In Doris, Ph. and Papastratis, P. (eds.) 2023. Youkali, ένα liber amicorum για τον Σταύρο Μουδόπουλο (Youkali, a liber amicorum for Stavros Moudopoulos). Bibliorama. Athens. p. 255-275. ISBN 9789609548588. Link to chapter.
Moudopoulos-Athanasiou, F. 2023. The remaining graffiti of ottoman scribes in Zagori. In Doris, Ph. and Papastratis, P. (eds.) 2023. Youkali, ένα liber amicorum για τον Σταύρο Μουδόπουλο (Youkali, a liber amicorum for Stavros Moudopoulos). Bibliorama. Athens. p. 277-289. ISBN 9789609548588. Link to chapter.
Orengo, H.A. 2023. On the supposed marginality of mountain areas. In A. Garcia-Molsosa (ed.) Archaeology of Mountain Landscapes: Interdisciplinary Research Strategies of Agro-Pastoralism in Upland Regions. IEMA Proceedings, vol. 6, State University of New York Press, New York.
Palet, J.M.; Orengo, H.A.; Garcia, A.; Ejarque, A.; Miras, Y. and Riera, S. 2023. Landscape Archaeology in Eastern Pyrenees high mountain areas (Segre & Ter valleys): human activities in the shaping of Mountain Cultural Landscapes, in A. Garcia-Molsosa (ed.), Archaeology of Mountain Landscapes: Interdisciplinary Research Strategies of Agro-Pastoralism in Upland Regions. IEMA Proceedings, vol. 6, State University of New York Press, New York.
Colominas, L.; Carbonell, A.; Gallego-Valle; Martínez, J.; Pescini, V.; Mayoral, A.; Palet, J-M., “Recerca en espais altimontans ceretans: intervencions arqueològiques a la capçalera del Duran, vall de la Llosa i sector de Puigpedrós-Malniu (la Cerdanya). Campanyes 2020-2021” a Burch, J.; Buxó, R.; Frigola, J.; Fuertes, M.; Mataró, M., Setzenes Jornades d’Arqueologia de les Comarques de Girona (Castelló d’Empúries), Documenta Universitaria, Girona, p. 66-69.
Colominas, L. and Gallego-Valle, A. 2022. Investigating Livestock Practices in the Countryside of Roman Spain: An Archaeozoological Approach . In Bermejo-Tirado, J. and Grau-Mira, I. (Eds.) 2022. The Archaeology of Peasantry in Roman Spain. De Gruyter. 71-91.
Conesa, F.C.; Garcia-Molsosa, A.; Angelats, E. & Orengo, H.A. 2022. Cloud-computing procedures for the automated detection and monitoring of archaeological sites. 2022 IEEE Mediterranean and Middle-East Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, M2GARSS 2022 – Proceedings, pp. 118-121.
Mayoral, A., Ejarque, A., Garcia-Molsosa, A.; Georgiadis, M.; Apostolou, G.; Gaertner, V.; Kallintzi, C., Kefalidou, E.; Orengo, H., Palet, J-M, “Waterscapes of Greek colonization: a geoarchaeological approach to socio-environmental interaction and coastal landscape changes around ancient Abdera (Thrace, Gr.)” a George Bodi, Andrei Asăndulesei, Codrin Dinu Vasiliu, Marcel Mîndrescu, Lucrețiu Mihailescu-Bîrliba, Ionuț Vasiliniuc, Book of Abstracts. Online Section 7th International Landscape Archaeology Conference 10-15 September 2022 Iași – Suceava, Romania (Iasi, Romania, Sept. 2022), Editura Universităţii „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iași, Iași, p. 76-77.
Mayoral, A., Ejarque, A., Garcia-Molsosa, A.; Georgiadis, M.; Apostolou, G.; Gaertner, V.; Kallintzi, C., Kefalidou, E.; Palet, J-M; Orengo, H., “A geoarchaeological tale of two cities: palaeogeography, socio-environmental interaction and coastal landscape evolution around ancient Abdera (Thrace, Gr.).” a Technical editing: Kateřina Kleinová (EAA), 28th EAA Annual Meeting (Budapest, Hungary, 2022) – Abstract Book (Budapest, 2022), European Association of Archaeologists, Prague, p. 310.
Medina Gil, P.; Arasa Gil, F.; Palet Martínez, J. M., “Estructuración del territorio y dinámica de poblamiento entorno a Lesera (Forcall, Castellón). Una primera aproximación desde la arqueología del paisaje” a Mateos, P; Olcina; M.; Pizzo, A.; Schattner, T. G., Small towns, una realidad urbana en la Hispania romana. (26 – 28 octubre de 2021), MYTRA, Monografías y Trabajos de Arqueología, 10, vol. II, Instituto de Arqueología – Mérida, Mérida, p. 609-616.
Tardio, K.; Colominas, L. 2022. Contextos faunístics: una finestra a la ramaderia i a la dieta càrnica dels Munts. A: J-A. Remolà (Ed.), Vil·la Romana dels Munts (Tarraco). Generalitat de Catalunya, Museu nacional arqueològic de Tarragona. pp. 561-568. ISBN 978-84-19326-74-4
Albiach, R.; Orengo, H.; Pitarch, A.; Huguet, E.; Martínez, S., “L’anàlisi de l’explotació agrària intensiva romana al riu Magre. Primeres valoracions” a Català, J; Furió, A., Vil·les, alqueries i cases de Camp. Poblament dispers, noves poblacions i urbanitzacions a la Ribera del Xúquer, Publicacions de la Universitat de València, València, p. 35-58. ISBN: 978-84-9133-389-0
Colominas, L., “Pràctiques ramaderes en època ceretana, republicana i alt-imperial a la plana de la Cerdanya: una aproximació arqueozoològica” a Aliaga, S.; Gascón, C.; Mercadal, O.; Obiols, Ll.; Olesti, O.; Simon, E., Història de la Cerdanya, Història de les comarques gironines, Diputació de Girona, Girona, p. 4. ISBN 978-84-15808-94-7
Georgiadis, M., “The Origins and Character of Political Organization and Administration on LH III Kos” a Karantzali, E., The Periphery of the Mycenaean World, Athens, p. 683-690.
Kallintzi, K., Georgiadis, M., Kefalidou, E. and Xydopoulos, I., “Greeks and Thracians at Abdera and the Xanthi-Nestos area in Aegean Thrace” a Vanzetti, A., Driessen, J. (eds), Communication Uneven’. Acceptance of and Resistance to Foreign Influences in the connected Ancient Mediterranean (Barcelona, 2018), Aegis series, Presses Universitaires de Louvain, Louvain, p. 129-146.
Krahtopoulou, A.; Frederick, C.; Orengo, H.A.; Garcia-Molsosa, A.; Dimoula, A.; Saridaki, N.; Kirillidou, S.; Livarda, A., “Re-discovering the Neolithic landscapes of western Thessaly, central Greece” a Blanco-González, A.; Kienlin, T.L. (eds.), Current approaches to tells in the prehistoric Old World, Oxbow, Oxford, p. 25-40.
Livarda, A.; Giorgi, J., “An investigation of the subsistence base at Butrint: the archaeobotanical evidence” a Bowden, W., Butrint 5: Life and Death at a Mediterranean port: the non-ceramic finds from the Triconch Palace, Oxbow, Oxford, p. 15–24.
Palet, J.M.; Orengo, H.A. (2021). Paisajes centuriados, nuevas perspectivas desde la arqueología del paisaje: concepción e implantación territorial en el nordeste de la Hispania Citerior. In Mayoral, V.; Grau, I.; Bellon, J.P (eds), Arqueología y sociedad de los espacios agrarios: en busca de la gente invisible en la materialidad del paisaje. Anejos de Archivo Español de Arqueología, XCI. CSIC, Madrid: 215-238.
Palet, J.M.; Ortega, M.J.; Miró, C., “The territory of Roman Barcino: methodological advances applied to the study of a centuriated landscape” a Prevosti M.; Guitart, J. (ed.), Proceedings of the 1st TIR-FOR Symposium. From territory studies to digital cartography (26-27 octubre 2020), Institut d’Estudis Catalans, Institut Català d’Arqueologia Clàssica, Societat Catalana d’Estudis Històrics, Barcelona, p. 173-188.
Panetta A., Pescini V., “Dalla geografia storica all’archeologia del paesaggio e dell’ambiente. Una irrinunciabile eredità di Massimo Quaini” a Cevasco R., Gemignani C., Poli D., Rossi L. (eds), Il pensiero critico fra geografia e scienza del territorio, Firenze University Press, Firenze, p. 277-294.
Belarte, M. C.; Canela, J.; Orengo, H.A.; Berganzo-Besga, I., “Using LiDAR to detect architectural features in urban sites in the coast of Northern Iberia (6th – 3rd centuries BC). Preliminary results” a Belarte, M. C.; Noguera, J.; Plana-Mallart, R.; Sanmartí, J., Urbanization in Iberia and Mediterranean Gaul in the first millennium BC, Treballs de la Mediterrània Antiga, 7, ICAC, Tarragona, p. 137-148.
Georgiadis M. 2020. ‘Prehistoric Period’, Ο αρχαίος Δήμος των Αλασαρνιτών στην Κω. Αποτελέσματα της Συστηματικής Επιφανειακής Έρευνας 2003-06. G. Kokkorou-Alevra and Κ. Kopanias (ed.). AURA Supplements. Athens. Accepted.
Georgiadis, M. 2020. Collapse at the end of the Late Bronze Age in the Aegean. In Middleton, G.D. (ed.), Collapse and Transformation: The Late Bronze Age/Early Iron in the Aegean, Oxford University Press, Oxford, p. 61-69.
Georgiadis, M. 2020. Landscape, feasting and ancestors in the burial tradition of Mycenaean Rhodes. In Murphy, J.M.A. (ed.), Death in Late Bronze Age Greece: Variations on a Theme, Oxfrod University Press, Oxford, p. 198-213.
Georgiadis, M. 2020. The Southeastern Aegean. In Lemos, I.; Kotsonas, A. (eds.), A Companion to the Archaeology of Early Greece and the Mediterranean, Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, p. 985-1006.
Krahtopoulou, A.; Frederick, C.; Orengo, H.A.; Garcia-Molsosa, A.; Dimoula, A.; Saridaki, N.; Kirillidou, S. and Livarda, A. 2020. Re-discovering the Neolithic landscapes of western Thessaly, central Greece. In Blanco-González, A. and Kienlin, T.L. (eds.) Current approaches to tells in the prehistoric Old World. Oxford, Oxbow: 25-40.
Krahtopoulou, A. and Orengo, H.A., Palaiochoritis, K., Stamati, A. 2020. Αναδασμός και πολιτισμικό τοπίο στον Κάμπο της Καρδίτσας. ΑΕΣΘΕ 5 (2012-2014): 167-179.
Livarda, A.; Giorgi, J. 2020. An investigation of the subsistence base at Butrint: the archaeobotanical evidence. In Bowden, W., Butrint 5: Life and Death at a Mediterranean port: the non-ceramic finds from the Triconch Palace, Oxbow, Oxford, p. 15–24.
Ortega, M.J.; Palet, J.M. and Orengo, H.A. 2020. Origen i desenvolupament d’un paisatge mediterrani: la integració de tècniques de prospecció en l’anàlisi arqueomorfològica del territori de València. Actes de les V Jornades d’Arqueologia de la Comunitat Valenciana (València, del 16 al 18 desembre de 2016), València.
Palet, J.M.; Colominas, L.; Gallego-Valle, A. and Martínez, J. 2020. Intervencions arqueològiques a la Capçalera del Duran i sector de Puigpedrós-Malniu (Meranges, la Cerdanya): estudi territorial d’espais altimontans pirinencs. Campanyes 2018-2019. In Burch, J.; Buxó, R.; Frigola, J.; Fuertes, M.; Manzano, S. and Mataró, M. (eds.). Quinzenes Jornades d’Arqueologia de les Comarques de Girona (Castelló d’Empúries, Octubre 2020), Documenta Universitaria, Girona, p. 65-70.
Palet, J. M.; Rodrigo, E.; Garcia-Molsosa, A. (2020). L’excavació d’espais agraris al territori d’Empúries (nord-oest del massís del Montgrí, Baix Empordà. Campanyes 2016-2018. In Burch, J.; Buxó, R.; Frigola, J.; Fuertes, M.; Manzano, S.; Mataró, M., Quinzenes Jornades d’Arqueologia de les Comarques de Girona, Documenta Universitaria, Girona: 177-181.
Tardio, K and Colominas, L. 2020 (accepted). Contextos faunístics: una finestra a la ramaderia i a la dieta càrnica dels Munts. In: Remolà, J.A. (ed.), La vil·la romana dels Munts (Altafulla), Tàrraco.
Azaza, M. and Colominas, L. 2019. Romanization and Animal husbandry in Tunisia: demand for wool? In Gourichon, L.; Daujeard, C.; Brugal, J.-P. (eds.), Hommes et Caprinés: De la montagne à la steppe, de la chasse à l’élevage. Antibes (France), del 16 al 18 d’octubre del 2018, Éditions APDCA, Antibes, p. 243-254.
Bermejo, J.; Moreno, F. and Colominas, L. 2019. Economías domésticas y patrones de consumo en la villa romana de Fuente Álamo: estudio comparativo de las fases altoimperial y tardoantigua. In Neira, L. (ed.) Mosaicos romanos en el espacio rural. Investigación y puesta en valor. l’Erma di Bretschneider, Roma, p. 239-278.
Castanyer, P.; Tremoleda, J. and Colominas, L. 2019. Cuina, rebost i alimentació a la vil·la romana de Vilauba vers la fi del segle III d.C. In Cooking, kitchen and food in rural areas duirng the Roman period, Studies on the rural world in the Roman period, Laboratori d’Arqueologia i Prehistòria. Institut de Recerca Històrica., Girona, p. 119-153.
Cevasco R., Gabellieri N., Pescini V., 2019, Une approche historique et archéologique pour l’étude des systèmes de gestion des ressources environnementales : expériences en Ligurie (Italie N-O), Atti Colloque Geohistory of environment and landscape (12-14 Ottobre – Tolouse), CNRS Edition, pp.383-394. ISBN :978-2-271-11920-9
Cevasco R., Montanari C., Pescini V., 2018, On the ecology of Ancient and Recent Woodland: the role of the historical approach, in Paradis-Grenouillet S., Aspe C., Burri S. (Eds), Into the wood Overlapping perspectives on the history of ancient forests, Quae Edition, Versailles,14. ISBN: 978-2-7592-2907-9
Colominas, L. 2019. Aportacions de l’arqueozoologia a l’estudi de l’alimentació i la cuina romanes. In Cooking, kitchen and food in rural areas during the Roman period, Studies on the rural world in the Roman period, Laboratori d’Arqueologia i Prehistòria. Institut de Recerca Històrica, Girona, p. 29-44.
Ilkhani, H.; Livarda, A.; Fazeli Nashli, H. 2019. Archaeobotanical report about Tappeh Sialk, North Mound: first impressions. In Nokandeh, J.; Curtis, J.; Pic, M., Tappeh Sialk. The Glory of Ancient Kashan, Iran Heritage Foundation, London, p. 40-44.
Livarda, A., “The archaeobotanical evidence of the Vrina Plain settlement” a Greenslade, S., Butrint 6. Excavations on the Vrina Plain. Volume 2: The Finds, Oxbow, Oxford, p. 245–250.
Livarda, A., “Investigating Roman diet through archaeobotanical evidence” a Erdkamp, P. and Holleran, C., The Routledge Handbook of Diet and Nutrition in the Roman World, Routledge, Abingdon and New York, p. 51–63.
Livarda A.; Andonova, M. 2019. Les restes archéobotaniques issus des sondages au bâtiment Dessenne. In Devolder, M.; Caloi, I. with the collaboration of Agapiou, A.; Alberti, M.E.; Anastasiadou, M.; Andonova, M.; Cantoro, G.; Carter, T.; Claeys, Th.; Déderix, S.; Gomrée, Th.; Isaakidou, V.; Livarda, A.; Montagné, M.-Ph.; Nodarou, E.; Sarris, A.; Veropoulidou, R., Le Bâtiment Dessenne et les abords Sud-Ouest du palais dans l’établissement pré- et protopalatial de Malia, French School at Athens, Athens, p. 307-309.
Livarda, A.; Kotzamani, G. 2019. An exploration of the social role of plants in rituals in prehistoric Aegean with reference to the site of Xeropolis, Lefkandi, Euboea. In Lemos, I. S.; Tsingarida, A.,(eds.) Beyond the Polis. Ritual, rites and cults in Early and Archaic Greece (12th-6th centuries BC), Études d’Archéologie 15, CReA-Patrimoine, Bruxells, p. 289–302.
Moreno D., Cevasco R., Pescini V., Gabellieri N., 2019, The archaeology of woodland ecology: reconstructing past woodmanship practices of wooded pasture/meadow systems in Italy, in Allende, F., Gomez, G., Lopez, N. (Eds) Silvicultures: Management And Conservation, InTech, London, UK, pp. 66-85.
Palet, J.M. (2019). Prólogo. In Matteazzi, M. Il paesaggio trasformato. La pianura a sud di Padova tra Romanizzazione e Tarda Antichità, (p xii-xv). Oxford, United London: BAR Publishing.
Palet, J.M. (2019). La centuriació del territori. La ciutat romana ideal. La ciutat romana i el món romà. XXI edició Tarraco Viva. El festival romà de Tarragona, (p. 56-63). Tarragona: Festival Tarraco Viva.
Palet, J.M.; Olmos, P.; Garcia, A.; Polonio, T. and Orengo, H.A. 2019. Occupation et anthropisation des espaces de haute montagne dans les vallées de Nuria et de Coma de Vaca (Gerona, Espagne) : résultats des recherches archéologiques et patrimoniales. In M. Deschamps, et al. (eds.) La conquête de la montagne : des premières occupations humaines à l’anthropisation du milieu. Éditions du Comité des travaux historiques et scientifiques, Paris.
Cervelló, J.; Palet, J. M. 2018. Introducción epistemológica: historia, diversidad y relatividad cultural. In Cervelló, J.; Torras, N.; Palet, J. M.; Nadal, J. (eds.), El mundo antiguo, FUOC, Barcelona.
Cervelló, J.; Palet, J.M. (2018). Introducción epistemológica: historia, diversidad y relatividad cultural. In Cervelló, J.; Palet, J. M.; Serrallonga, J.; Torras, N. (dir.), Historia I, (p. 1-32). Barcelona: Fundació per a la UOC.
Cervelló, J.; Torras, N.; Palet, J. M. 2018. Oriente y Occidente en la Alta Edad Media. In Cervelló, J.; Palet, J. M.; Serrallonga, J.; Torras, N. (eds.), Historia I, FUOC, Barcelona.
Livarda, A. 2018. Fruits, vegetables and nuts. In López Varela, S. L., The Encyclopedia of Archaeological Sciences, Wiley, p. 1-4.
Livarda, A. 2018. Tastes in the Roman provinces: an archaeobotanical approach to socio-cultural change. In Rudolph, K. C. (ed.), Taste and the Ancient Senses, The senses in antiquity, Routledge, Abingdon and New York, p. 179–196.
Livarda, A.; Madgwick, R. 2018. Ritual and Religion: Bioarchaeological Perspectives. In Livarda, A.; Madgwick, R., Riera, S. (eds.) The Bioarchaeology of Ritual and Religion, Oxbow, Oxford, p. 1–13.
Mayoral, A., Granai, S., Develle, A-L, Berger, J-F., Peiry, J-L., Vautier, F., Miras, Y, “Trois millénaires d’impact anthropique sur les sols et le système morpho-sédimentaire de la Narse de la Sauvetat (Auvergne, Fr.) du Néolithique au Moyen-Âge” (Lille, 2018).
Palet, J. M.; Cervelló, J.; Torras, N. 2018. El mundo indoeuropeo. Los orígenes de las civilizaciones europeas antiguas. In Cervelló, J.; Torras, N.; Palet, J. M.; Nadal, J. (eds.), El mundo antiguo, FUOC, Barcelona.
Palet, J. M.; Torras, N.; Cervelló, J. 2018. Civilizaciones europeas antigues. In Cervelló, J.; Palet, J. M.; Serrallonga, J.; Torras, N. (eds.), Historia I, FUOC, Barcelona.
Wilkinson, T.C., “Cloth and Currency: On the Ritual-Economics of Eurasian Textile Circulation and the ‘Origins’ of Trade, Fifth to Second millennia BC” a Kristiansen, K.; Lindkvist, T.; Myrdal, J., Trade and Civilization: Economic Networks and Cultural Ties, from Prehistory to the Modern Era, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, p. 25-55.
Colominas, L. and Ruiz de Arbulo, J. 2017. Caballos en el circo de Tarraco. Una reflexión arquitectónica y arqueozoológica. In López Vilar, J. (ed.), Actes del 3er Congrés Internacional d’Arqueologia i Món Antic. La glòria del circ: curses de carros i competicions circenses (Tarragona, del 16 al 19 de novembre de 2016), Fundació Privada Mútua Catalana, Tarragona, p. 277-283.
Jervis, B.; Whelan, F.; Livarda, A. 2017. Cuisine and conquest: interdisciplinary perspectives on food, continuity and change in 11th century England and beyond. In Hadley, D. M.; Dyer, C.C. (eds.), The Archaeology of the Eleventh Century: Continuities and Transformations, Society for Medieval Archaeology Monograph, Routledge, Abingdon and New York, p. 244–262.
Kotzamani, G.; Livarda, A. 2017. Archaeobotanical remains. In Smith, R. A. K.; Dabney, M. K.; Pappi, E.; Triantaphyllou, S.; Wright, J. C. (eds.), Ayia Sotira: A Mycenaean Chamber Tomb Cemetery in the Nemea Valley, Greece, INSTAP Academic Press, Philadelphia, p. 139–145.
Mayoral, A., Peiry, J.-L., Berger, J., Vautier, F., & Miras, Y., “La aportación del LiDAR a la cartografía geomorfológica de detalle y al análisis de potencial geoarqueológico: el ejemplo del Puy de Corent (Auvernia, Francia).” a Asociación de Geográfos Españoles, Naturaleza, territorio y ciudad en un mundo global (Madrid, 2017), UAM Ediciones, Madrid, p. 287-296.
Saña, M. and Colominas, L. 2017. Fauna terrestre. In Tremoleda, J.; Castanyer, P.; Simon, J.; Ferrer, A. (eds.) La bòbila Romana d’Ermedàs (Cornellà del Terri). Una indústria de producció ceràmica d’època romana al Pla de l’Estany. Grup de Recerca Arqueològica del Pla de l’Estany, Cornellà del Terri, p. 484-492.
Simon, F-X., Tabbagh, A., Dousteyssier, B., Pareil-Peyrou, M., Mayoral, A., Labazuy, P., “Potential of multi-frequency electromagnetic induction in volcanic soils for archaeological prospection” (Bradford, 2017), Archaeopress Archaeology.
Burgers, G.J.; Kluiving, S.; Hermans, R. (gen. Ed.); Brouwer-Burg, M.; Corsi, C.; Carboni, F.; Fairclough, G.; Guaitoli, M.; Orengo, H.A.; Palet, J.M.; Pedroli, B.; Quilici-Gigli, S.; Verhagen, Ph.; Whitley, T.; McGrath, M. (section ed.) (2016). Multi-, inter- and transdisciplinary research in Landscape Archaeology. Proceedings of the 3rd International Landscape Archaeology Conference in Rome (LAC2014) (Rome, 17-20 September 2014). Amsterdam: University Library, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.
Colominas, L.; Saña, M. and Tornero, C. 2016. Aplicación de los análisis de ADN antiguo e isótopos estables en arqueozoología, in Lloveras, Ll.; Rissech, C.; Nadal, J.; Fullola, J-M., What bones tell us, Monografies del SERP, Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona: 25-34.
Garcia, A.; Palet, J.M. and Flórez, M. 2016. Paths and settlement in a Roman rural landscape: An archaeomorphological analysis in the Congost Valley (Barcelona, Spain) / Trazas viarias y poblamiento en un paisaje rural romano: análisis arqueomorfológico en el valle del río Congost (Barcelona), in AAVV (eds.): Multi-, inter- and transdisciplinary research in Landscape Archaeology.Proceedings of the 3rd International Landscape Archaeology Conference in Rome, Italy (2014). Open access initiative supported by the University Library, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. 2016. ISBN 978-90-825296-0-9.
Orengo, H.A. and Palet, J.M. 2016. Archaeomorphology as Landscape Archaeology: New Approaches and Perspectives, in AAVV (eds.): Multi-, inter- and transdisciplinary research in Landscape Archaeology. Proceedings of the 3rd International Landscape Archaeology Conference in Rome, Italy (2014). Open access initiative supported by the University Library, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. 2016. ISBN 978-90-825296-0-9 –
Orengo, H.A. 2016. L’Horta Sud, consideracions per a l’estudi d’un paisatge cultural. In Pitarch, A.; Alapont, Ll.; Orengo, H.A. (eds.), Arqueologia de l’Horta Sud: l’origen d’una comarca històrica, IDECO, Torrent, p. 227.
Ortega, M.J.; Orengo, H.A. and Palet, J.M. 2016. Más allá de la herencia medieval. Una nueva arqueomorfología para el paisaje histórico de Valencia. in AAVV (eds.): Multi-, inter- and transdisciplinary research in Landscape Archaeology. Proceedings of the 3rd International Landscape Archaeology Conference in Rome, Italy (2014). Open access initiative supported by the University Library, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. 2016. ISBN 978-90-825296-0-9.
Palet, J. M. (ed.) (2021). Historical Landscape on Montjuïc hill: results of the La Satalia project. Materials d’urbanisme i Ciutat. Barcelona: Serveis editorials de l’Ajuntament de Barcelona.
Palet, J.M.; Garcia, A.; Orengo, H.A. and Polonio, T. 2016. Ocupacions ramaderes altimontanes a les capçaleres del Ter (Vall de Núria i Coma de Vaca, Queralbs): resultats de les intervencions arqueològiques 2010-2015, Tretzenes Jornades d’Arqueologia de les comarques de Girona, Banyoles: 67-75.
Pons, E.; Colominas, L. and Saña, M. 2016. Dog sacrifice at the Protohistoric site of Mas Castellar (Pontós, Spain). In Murray, C. A. (ed.), Diversity of Sacrifice. Form and function of sacrificial practices in the ancient world and beyond, IEMA Proceedings, State University of New York Press, New York, p. 191-210.
Teaching manuals
Palet, J. M.; Nadal, J.; Trullén, A. (2021). Arqueologia i societat. Barcelona: Fundació per a la UOC.
Cervelló, J.; Torras, N.; Palet, J. M.; Nadal, J. (2018). El mundo antiguo. Barcelona: Fundació per a la UOC.
Cervelló, J.; Palet, J. M.; Serrallonga, J.; Torras, N. (2018). Historia I. Barcelona: Fundació per a la UOC.