Category: Archaeozoology

Open Acces! The exploitation of mountain natural resources during the Iron Age in the Eastern Pyrenees: the case study of production unit G at Tossal de Baltarga (Bellver de Cerdanya, Lleida, Spain)

New paper! Dr. Colominas collaborate in this interesting and media paper on the exploitation of mountain natural resources in the Pyrenees, with researchers from UAB, CSIC and IPHES: Olesti O, Morera J, Oller J, Carrasco JM, Colominas L, Portillo M, Berrocal A, Lopez-Bultó O, Obea L, Tarifa N, Tárraga P, Sisa-López de Pablo J and Messana…
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Aristocracy and animals in the Roman residence of els Munts (Tarragona)

This week Lídia Colominas is in Belgrade (Serbia) presenting a collaborative work (ICAC, Bucknell University, UAB) on aristocracy and animals in the Roman residence of els Munts (Tarragona) at the ICAZ- 4th RPWG Conference Abstract: “Aristocracy and animals: A glimpse of human diet and animal and animal products supply systems in the Roman residence…
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Isotope analyses for the study of Roman livestock management

Rosa Soler, PhD candidate at GIAP under the direction of Dr. Lídia Colominas (ICAC-CERCA) and Dr. Carlos Tornero (UAB), has started her training in isotopes. In the pictures, you can see her drilling sheep teeth to obtain powder samples of enamel for sequential isotope analyses. Her research focuses on the study of livestock management during…
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Open CfP! JIA Madrid 2024

The call for papers for JIA Madrid 2024 XV Jornadas de Jóvenes en Investigación Arqueológica, is open! We are co-organising one session. Deadline 21 April 23:59 UTC+2Please submit your abstracts to: s5decampoaciudad@gmail.comLanguages accepted: Catalan, Spanish, Basque, Galician, Portuguese and English. Organisers: Abstract: Session 5. From the countryside to the city. Food production, exploitation of natural…
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Next GIAP Seminar! Insects: silent witnesses of our history

Join us in the second GIAP Seminar of 2024! Open event, no registration required. February 15th 22nd 12h CET ‘Insects: silent witnesses of our history’ Prof. Stefano VaninDISTA – University of Genoa, Italy; IAS-CNR Genoa, Italy Access the webinar here: event. No registration required. Hosted in Microsoft Teams (no Microsoft/Teams account needed). Abstract:  Archaeoentomology is a…
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New Evidence for Urban Agriculture at Mid-3rd Millenium B.C.E. Tell Brak

An excavation at Tell Brak, Syria, reveals charred cereals from the Early Bronze Age. A new study, led by the University of Oxford in collaboration with the Catalan Institute of Classical Archaeology (ICAC-CERCA) and the University of Michigan, offers insights into farming strategies, trade dynamics, and water management in this ancient urban center. Diffey C,…
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First GIAP Seminar 2024! ‘Cattle through time: a long-term perspective on cattle husbandry in the Netherlands’

Join us in the first GIAP Seminar of 2024! Open event, no registration required. January 18th 12h CET ‘Cattle through time: a long-term perspective on cattle husbandry in the Netherlands’ Dr. Maaike GrootFreie Universität Berlin Access the webinar here: event. No registration required. Hosted in Microsoft Teams (no Microsoft/Teams account needed). Abstract:  From the Neolithic, cattle…
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2,500-Year-Old Roots of Transhumance: an interview with Lídia Colominas

Dr. Lídia Colominas was recently interviewed and highlighted in the RECERCAT newsletter to delve deeper into one of our latest articles from 2023, which showcased that Iron Age communities in Catalonia practiced seasonal altitudinal movements. The study, featured in the journal Frontiers in Environmental Archaeology, was a collaboration between IPHES-CERCA, ICAC-CERCA, the Autonomous University of Barcelona, Cardiff University and the…
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Inviting applications for a two-year Postdoc in Archaeomalacology and Palaeomalacology

The Catalan Institute of Classical Archaeology (ICAC-CERCA. Catalonia) invites applications for a two-year Postdoctoral Fellowship in Archaeomalacology and Palaeomalacology. The postdoc will join the GIAP team and its projects on Greek and Roman colonisations in Catalonia and Greece, studying marine and freshwater shells from archaeological sites and sedimentary cores from coastal lagoons.   For candidatures and further information,…
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The team grows bigger! We welcome 2 new researchers and a technician

This December, we are glad to welcome 3 new team members to GIAP (ICAC-CERCA): Andrew McLeanMSCA postdoctoral fellow Andrew McLean finished his PhD at Edinburgh last year. His thesis analyzed the economy of the Roman Adriatic with a focus on modeling mobility and movement. He then looked at wine and oil production and patterns of…
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