Category: Geoarchaeology

Palaeoenvironmental research starts in the Ancient city of Klazomenai with the participation of members of ICAC

This fieldwork campaign is part of a multi-disciplinary and international project that will allow to compare the landscapes and socio-environmental histories of the Ancient Greek colony of Abdera and its mother city Klazomenai. GIAP-ICAC members Alfredo Mayoral, Arnau Garcia-Molsosa and Isabel Mattuzzi, collaborate with the Klazomenai Excavations and Survey (, directed by Prof.Dr. Yaşar E.…
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Open Access! A city against the current: A reconstruction of Holocene sea-level changes and the evolution of coastal landscapes in ancient Abdera (Thrace, Gr.)

New paper unveils the Northern Aegean’s history and geography with unprecedented detail. The study presents the first comprehensive Relative Mean Sea-Level curve for the region, exposing Neolithic drowned landscapes along the coast. Alfredo Mayoral, Ana Ejarque, Arnau Garcia-Molsosa, Mercourios Georgiadis, Giannis Apostolou, Vincent Gaertner, Constantina Kallintzi, Eurydice Kefalidou, Hèctor Orengo. A city against the current:…
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Open Access! Livestock management at the Late Iron Age site of Baltarga (eastern Pyrenees): an integrated bio-geoarchaeological approach

Ramón y Cajal researcher Lídia Colominas and postdoctoral researcher Abel Gallego-Valle, in collaboration with researchers from CSIC, IPHES and UAB, have published a new paper in the Archaeological Anthropology journal: Colominas, L., Portillo, M., Morera, J. et al. Livestock management at the Late Iron Age site of Baltarga (eastern Pyrenees): an integrated bio-geoarchaeological approach. Archaeol Anthropol Sci 15, 159…
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Research stay and training in high-mountain archaeology and geoarchaeology

We say farewell to PhD candidate Arnau Carbonell-Puigventós! He will be enjoying a 3-month research stay in the University of Trento as part of his PhD, from the 18th of September to the 21st of December 2023. This stay is motivated not only by the possibility of acquiring the title of international doctor, but also to…
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Prominent representation of GIAP (ICAC) in the EAA2023!

Yesterday started the 29th EAA Annual Meeting, which is taking place in Belfast (Ireland) from the 30th of August to the 2nd of September. This year’s themes incorporate the diversity and multidimensionality of archaeological practice, including archaeological interpretation, heritage management and politics of the past and present. GIAP (ICAC) has 12 contributions to the conference,…
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Fieldwork in Abdera (Greece): unraveling colonisation in the Mediterranean

In the scorching weeks of July, a dedicated team of researchers from GIAP (ICAC-CERCA) embarked on a new fieldwork campaign. Set in the ancient Greek colony of Abdera, nestled within the historical region of Xanthi, Thrace, Greece, the team is conducting a comprehensive archaeological, archeomorphological, and geoarchaeological survey to unravel landscapes of the ancient greek…
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Riverine legacies and cultural heritage at risk in INQUA2023

Today, postdocs Francesc C. Conesa and Navjot Kour are in Rome presenting at the XXI Congress of the International union for Quaternary Research ”Time for Change”. The conference is taking place from the 14th to the 21st July 2023 at the Sapienza University of Rome, in Italy. Computational approaches to map Cultural Heritage at risk…
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New open access paper! New insights into Neolithic livestock practices in high mountain areas

Recent multidisciplinary study in the journal Quaternary International provides new insight into the occupation dynamics of high mountain spaces starting from the Neolithic onwards in the archaeological site of Molleres II. It is the first time that sediment biomarker analyses have been carried out at a Catalan site. Figure 1: Study area location and ortophoto…
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Territorial settings of the Roman-Republican centuriation of Empúries

Last week, part of the team started the fieldwork in the context of the TranScapes and ArqueoTer projects (see below for more information). The team consisted of Arnau Carbonell-Puigventós, Marta Flórez-Santasusanna, Arnau Garcia-Molsosa, Alfredo Mayoral and Josep Maria Palet. The first morning we were in Ullastret, where we met with Gabriel de Prado, director of…
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Waterscapes of Greek Colonization: A Geoarchaeological Approach to Socio-Environmental Interaction and Coastal Landscape Changes around Ancient Abdera

GIAP (ICAC) researcher Alfredo Mayoral will present in the Landscape Archaeology Conference 2022 (LAC2022), which is taking place from 10th to 15th September 2022: Session nº06 How does the Waterscape Influences, Affects and Infers the Human Community’s Development, Evolution, Vulnerabilities, and Resilience over Time?9.05 GMT (11.05 CEST) Title Waterscapes of Greek Colonization: A Geoarchaeological Approach to Socio-Environmental Interaction…
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