On the 1st of March Lídia Colominas joined the permanent staff of ICAC/GIAP with a Ramón y Cajal contract. Dr Colominas is an archaeozoologist, with a particular emphasis on the Mediterranean between the 5th century BC and the 5th century AD. Her work has focused on the development of 4 main research lines: animal husbandry, animal trade,…
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GIAP’s new webinar series ‘Recent Advances in the Study of the Ancient Mediterranean’ is hosting Dr Veronica Aniceti on the 24th of February at 18:00 (CET). Dr Aniceti will be talking about ‘Animals and their roles in the medieval society of Sicily‘. You can join the talk here: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_NTRhOGEwZmItNmE2NS00OTk3LWE5ZDctYmZiYjgxNmY2MzI3%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22eb2b7ec4-04ec-4a5a-9ee3-d87fa14c34a3%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%2210757a50-8e76-431d-8481-84f0a94efc2d%22%7d Here is a taster of what…
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Skyscapes, religion, plants and ancient economy are some of the themes to be investigated by the two successful 2020 Marie Sklodowska Curie fellows that will join GIAP. They are two brilliant female researchers: Dr Efrosyni Boutsikas and Dr Charlotte Diffey. Both of them will be working on the Aegean with new technologies, involving loads of…
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Figure 1. Part of the environmental team at the flotation station 2021 started with the publication of the third paper of the bioarchaeology-palaeoenvironment-landscape team of the PALAP research project (Palaikastro Phase 4. Urbanisation in Bronze Age Crete: between palace and landscape at Palaikastro). The project (2012-5) involved: Excavation of part of the Bronze Age (Minoan)…
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British maps of modern Pakistan (left) and Syria (right) depicting thousands of potential archaeological sites inadvertently, as topographic anomalies; on purpose, using conventional sites or identified using toponymic references. Image credit: Arnau Garcia-Molsosa. New research using Deep Learning to extract archaeological information from collections of maps produced during the European colonization of South Asia and…
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GIAP’s last weekly meeting for 2020 (lacking Iban Berganzo). With all our very best wishes for 2021! Time has flown, in a few days 2020 will be over and just a few days ago we had our final weekly GIAP meeting for the year…although without online drinks and nibbles. We leave these for next year…
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We keep growing! This week, on the 1st of December, Valentina Pescini and Toby C. Wilkinson joined the GIAP research team. Valentina as a Juan de la Cierva postdoctoral researcher and Toby as a Marie Skłodowska Curie Research Fellow. Here is a little bit of information on our new members and their projects on transhumant pastoralism in…
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Part of the team during a drilling in dry wetland in the Tuzla Gyol area 2020, a complicated (!) year for the whole world. And in the midst of the pandemic we had somehow to move on with our TransLands project to ensure we have good datasets to continue with the palaeoenvironmental reconstruction and analysis…
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Two more members of the GIAP team are now officially trained drone pilots! Today, Monday the 26th of October 2020, the results of the UAV (drone) exams, organised by the Greek Civil Aviation Authority in Athens are out: Mercouris Georgiadis and Giannis Apostolou have successfully passed the test! Many congratulations to both of them! Henceforth…
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Hector A. Orengo (writing this post) and Arnau Garcia-Molsosa were awarded the Emerging Investigator Award 2019 by the Journal of Archaeological Science and the Society for Archaeological Sciences for our paper paper “A brave new world for archaeological survey: Automated machine learning-based potsherd detection using high-resolution drone imagery” The panel commended the visionary combination of…
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