
1st TIR-FOR symposium: call for papers

The call for abstracts for the TIR-FOR (Tabula Imperii Romani – Forma Orbis Romani) symposium is now open. As mapping, computational and web-based technologies advance, the TIR-FOR project (one of the longest-running international archaeological projects) is dedicating its first ever symposium to digital cartography and how it interacts with current research on settlement, territory and…
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Incorporation of a new GIAP member

Today GIAP is celebrating the incorporation of a new member! Dr Francesc C. Conesa is starting working with us as a Juan de la Cierva Incorporación postdoctoral fellow for the project ‘Automated machine learning applications in landscape archaeology‘. Francesc will be working for the next three years with the Remote Sensing and Machine Learning teams…
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BBVA Foundation grant for DIASur!

Despite the global pandemic and the confinement of the population, the members of the committee in charge of evaluating the BBVA Foundation Grants for Research Teams in Digital Humanities met virtually yesterday to select 5 projects out of the 81 proposals received in all fields related to digital humanities. GIAP was lucky enough to get…
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Meeting virtually

GIAP team members did their first general virtual meeting last Friday. The meeting focused on the organisation and workings of our new project management platform. There were a few technical problems related to the configuration of the internet browser of two members that did not allow them to intervene. They could still listen to the…
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Working from home

During the next weeks we will be populating GIAP’s website. With the measures against the expansion of the Coronavirus (ICAC asked us to work from home) some of us will have some extra time to do so while others -like myself- will have the children at home for two weeks at least.

Hello World!

GIAP launches its new website today. During the following weeks we will be updating content… Stay tuned!