
Long-term analysis of colonial relations in Thrace: the archaeological survey at Abdera and Xanthi 2015–2019 

A new article in Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences presents the preliminary results of the Archaeological Project at Abdera and Xanthi (APAX), a systematic regional survey applying intensive pedestrian sample collection conducted in Greek Thrace. This new archaeological programme has investigated different landscape settings in the Xanthi area. Different collection strategies were developed to adapt to…
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Strong participation of GIAP in EAA2022

The 2022 international meeting of the EAA (European Association of Archaeologists) is being held from 31 Aug to 3 Sept in Budapest. Among several other ICAC contributions, GIAP (ICAC) researcher Alfredo Mayoral co-leads session #230 with André-Marie Dendievel (Univ. Lyon, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, ENTPE, CNRS, UMR 5023 LEHNA). September 1st 2022, 14.00-18.00h CETSession…
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New insights into funerary meal rituals from the Roman Empire

Researchers reconstruct the composition of funerary meals in a necropolis from the Western fringe of the Roman Empire, and discover more information about the rituals that accompanied the deceased to the otherworld. The study, published in PLOS ONE, compares biomolecular, anthropological and archaeozoological data from the Roman necropolis of Vila de Madrid (Barcelona, Catalonia). The team discovered…
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Giannis Apostolou awarded Onassis Foundation Scholarship!

We celebrate that GIAP (ICAC) PhD candidate Giannis Apostolou has been awarded an Onassis Foundation Scholarship, which will provide research funds to carry on with his research until autumn 2024. Congratulations Giannis!  Onassis Foundation offers up to 60 annual scholarships for postgraduate and doctoral studies in countries worldwide (countries other than Greece) and up to 10 scholarships for postgraduate studies in Greece.…
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Second year of successful harvesting in our experimental cultivations in Greece

The team of dedicated IHU and trainee agronomy students that made harvest and threshing possible. ‘Twiggy’ the car also deserves a mention, as the silent hero of the project. A long, hard, and yet particularly rewarding stage comes to its end; the end of the second successful harvest and threshing of our experimental cultivations in…
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GIAP leads 2 sessions in CAA2022

The CAA2022 (Annual Conference of Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology) that will be held from Aug 3rd to 8th in Oxford (UK), in a hybrid format. GIAP (ICAC) researchers are leading sessions #13 and #14. Check the abstracts and the full programme at the conference’s website: 10-11/08/22Session 13. Machine and deep learning methods in archaeological…
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Supplying the Roman army? Animal production and consumption in the countryside of north-eastern Iberia  (Can Rubió, la Garrotxa)

New article in the Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, led by GIAP (ICAC) researcher Lídia Colominas in collaboration with Oriol Olesti (Departament de Ciències de l’Antiguitat i de l’Edat Mitjana. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain), Jordi Guàrdia (Professional Archaeologist, Spain) and Karin Harzbecher (Institut d’Estudis del Próxim Orient Antic, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain). Access…
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We welcome a new postdoc in GIAP! Navjot Kour

This past June, postdoctoral researcher Navjot Kour joined GIAP (ICAC) for the two-year project RIVERINE: Mapping archaeological mounds and long-term socio-ecological transformations in riverine monsoonal plains (Agencia Estatal de Investigación PCI2021-122026-2B). The project revolves around the interactions between the hydrological resources of the Jammu and Kashmir regions, in northwestern India, and the exploitation of the…
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Mediterranean Colonial Landscapes: Princeton Athens Center Workshop

Princeton University, in collaboration with GIAP (ICAC), is organizing the ‘Princeton Athens Center Workshop. Mediterranean Colonial Landscapes‘, to be held at the Princeton Athens Center for Research and Hellenic Studies in Athens, Greece on July 13-14 2022, with sponsorship from the Princeton International Fund (IF) and the Seeger Center for Hellenic Studies. Dates: 13/07/2022 – 14/07/2022Location: Princeton Athens…
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Data management and processing in archaeology

Today, PhD Candidate Giannis Apostolou is in Strasbourg (France), to participate in the summer school “MOSAICdata: data management and processing in archaeology“, taking place from the 11th to 16th July 2022. MOSAICdata: data management and processing in archaeology Archaeology is a discipline that produces more and more data in many forms, whether from fieldwork or…
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