The ICAC celebrates its first 20 years, since its creation, in the fall of 2002.
This fall will mark the 20th anniversary since the ICAC started its research activity. In 2002, the Institute began its first projects under the direction of Josep Guitart, located in a temporary classroom donated by the URV. The current headquarters, in Plaça d’en Rovellat in Tarragona, were inaugurated in September 2003. This 2022-2023 academic year, therefore, we are celebrating the 20th anniversary of the Institute.
The ICAC is 20 years later a consolidated center, and an international reference in its field. Recognized and leader, fully competitive in innovation and project development. Today made up of almost sixty people, with researchers from different nationalities, the growth of recent years has been very significant. This would not have been possible without the effort and dedication, throughout these 20 years, of the entire ICAC community, as well as of the institutions and people who have supported us in academic and scientific initiatives of all kinds.
That is why we have organized an event to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the ICAC (below, you can see the program), which will take place at the ICAC headquarters, in Tarragona, next Friday, October 14. The event will have a scientific and commemorative seminar format, with interventions by various authorities and people linked to the history of the ICAC.
Program of the celebration of the 20th anniversary of the ICAC
10 a.m. Opening event
Presided over by the Catalan Government Councilor for Research and Universities and President of the ICAC Board of Directors, Hble. Mr. Joaquim Nadal i Farreras, joined by the mayor of Tarragona, Mr. Pau Ricomà i Vallhonrat, the rector of the Rovira i Virgili University and vice president of the ICAC Board of Directors, Mr. Josep Pallarès i Marzal and the director of the ICAC, Dr. Josep M Palet i Martínez.
10.30 a.m. Seminars
10.30 a.m. “Investigaciones geoarqueológicas y paleoclimáticas en la costa de Empúries. Resultados de una excelente y duradera colaboración entre el MAC-Empúries y el DAI-Madrid”. Dirce Marzoli. Director of the German Archaeological Institute – Madrid (DAI) and member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the ICAC.
11.00 a.m. Discussion, chaired by M. Carme Belarte, ICREA research professor at the ICAC.
11.15 a.m. “Taking a HumAnE (human-animal-environment) approach to Archaeology”.Naomi Sykes. Lawrence Professor of Archaeology at the University of Exeter (UK) and member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the ICAC.
11.45 a.m. Discussion, chaired by de Lídia Colominas, Ramón y Cajal researcher at the ICAC.
12.00 a.m. Break
12.20 a.m. The ICAC, 20 years of history
12.20 – 12.40 p.m. “L’ICAC i l’Arqueologia Clàssica“. Isabel Rodà. Honorary Professor at the UAB and associate researcher at the ICAC (ArPA).
12.40 – 13.00 p.m. “L’ICAC, els orígens“. Josep Guitart. Honorary Professor at the UAB and associate researcher at the ICAC.
13.00 a.m. Closing and appetiser
The Catalan Institute of Classical Archaeology (ICAC) is a CERCA center created as a consortium in 2003 by the Generalitat de Catalunya (Catalan government) and the University Rovira i Virgili. It is based in Tarragona, a city recognized as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 2000, and specializes in advanced research and training in classical archaeology.
Original post by ICAC: https://icac.cat/en/actualitat/noticies/2022/celebration20yearsicac/