Author: GIAP team

Happy International Day of Women and Girls in Science!

The ICAC joined, for a fourth year in a row, the commemoration of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science (February 11th). On the occasion, the City Council of Santa Perpètua de Mogoda (Barcelona) and the ICAC Committee for Gender Equality have been organizing different dissemination actions, from 8 to 14 February 2022. 11F celebration aims to…
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Next GIAP Seminar: ‘The Inner Ionian Archipelago research: towards a hybrid island archaeology’

Join us in the first 2022 GIAP Seminar! February 24th 18-19h CET The Inner Ionian Archipelago research: towards a hybrid island archaeology Prof. Nena GalanidouProfessor of Prehistoric Archaeology at University of Crete Keywords: Ionian Sea; Island archaeology; Palaeolithic; Landscape Archaeology; Continental Shelf Prehistoric Research; Intensive surface survey; Early Seafaring; Neanderthals; Karstic landscapes Access the webinar…
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New editor of the journal ‘Environmental Archaeology’

2022 has started with changes for the journal ´Environmental Archaeology: the journal of human palaeoecology´ of the Association of Environmental Archaeology (AEA). GIAP-ICAC researcher Dr Alexandra Livarda was appointed as the new editor-in-chief of the journal, replacing Dr Tim Mighall, who stepped down after successfully leading the journal for the past eight years. The journal is one of the most…
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Postdoc call! Archaeological site detection based on multispectral satellite imagery

We are searching for excellent candidates with a PhD in Computer Science, Remote Sensing or a similar field interested in conducting research in archaeological sites detection based on applying machine learning techniques on multispectral aerial images. Contract duration: 22 months The call will open in the forthcoming weeks through Working at the ICAC/Open calls. The context…
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Save the date: the GIAP Seminars are coming back!

After a very successful first series in 2021, the GIAP Seminars come back for a 2nd year! SAVE THE DATE First webinar: February 24th 18h CETSpeaker: Prof. Nena GalanidouProfessor of Prehistoric Archaeology at University of Crete More information coming very soon! Learn more about GIAP Seminars and last year’s series:

Investigating Livestock Practices in the Countryside of Roman Spain: An Archaeozoological Approach

GIAP-ICAC researchers Lídia Colominas and Abel Gallego-Valle have recently published a new chapter in the book: Bermejo-Tirado, J. and Grau-Mira, I. (Eds.) 2022. The Archaeology of Peasantry in Roman Spain. De Gruyter. The Archaeology of Peasantry in Roman Spain Abstract: Investigating Livestock Practices in the Countryside of Roman Spain: An Archaeozoological Approach In recent years,…
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Landscape footprints of peopling and colonisation in the coastal hinterland of Emporion-Emporiae, NE Iberia

Figure by Jordi Montaner. GIAP-ICAC researchers Dr. Josep Maria Palet and Dr. Hèctor A. Orengo recently published, in The Holocene, the latest results on the coastal hinterland of Emporion–Emporiae (NE, Iberia). A collaboration with: Ana Ejarque1, 2, Ramon Julià3, Pere Castanyer4 & Santiago Riera31ISEM, Univ Montpellier, CNRS, IRD, France2GEOLAB, CNRS, Université Clermont Auvergne, France3Seminary of Prehistoric Studies and Research,…
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Call For Abstracts EAA 2022 – Session #230

We are pleased to invite you to contribute to the session #230 in the 2022 international meeting of the EAA (European Association of Archaeologists) that will be held from 31 Aug to 3 Sept in Budapest. This session is entitled: “Sediment and soil archives to decipher human-environment interactions in wetland landscapes from the Neolithic to…
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Good news, some wishes and happy holidays!

We are glad to welcome the holidays with good news! First, a new PhD candidate joined GIAP-ICAC in December: Theoni Baniou, who will be supervised by Dr. Alexandra Livarda. Her thesis is titled: “Exploring Roman tastes: an archaeobotanical and network analysis approach to the investigation of food plant access, commerce and social identities”. The aim…
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Heritage at risk: remote and ground monitoring of endangered heritage in La Palma volcano eruption

During the past two months, a research team coordinated by Francesc C. Conesa (GIAP-ICAC) and Nuria Álvarez (Benahoarita Archaeological Museum) have been closely monitoring the ongoing volcano eruption at La Palma island in the Canary Islands. They have accessed and surveyed the exclusion area next to the lava flows to map and document Cultural Heritage…
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