Tag: Food Archaeology

5 MSCA postdoc grants awarded to GIAP-ICAC!

Today we’re celebrating the remarkable success of our MSCAs applications for the 2021 call, the results of which have just been announced. GIAP-ICAC is proud to welcome 5 new MSCA postdoctoral fellows (and possibly one more waiting in the reserve list), expanding research in the forthcoming years and providing research funds for a total value…
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“Food and culture: stories of the past” – a review of 2 new publications

This year the ‘archaeology of food’ field has been enriched by several new publications. Dr Alexandra Livarda, co-editor with Dr Katheryn Twiss (Stony Brook University, New York) of the Elements Series ‘Archaeology of Food’ (Cambridge University Press), was invited to review two of these: Robyn E. Cutright. 2021. The story of food in the human past: how what we ate made us…
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The group keeps growing bigger and better!

We are celebrating a new GIAP member and three new drone licenses in the team! With the increasing non-technical workload on all researchers’ shoulders, it is becoming increasingly necessary to rely on specialised support personnel. Aspects such as grant proposals, project and team management, as well as communication and dissemination, are all essential aspects to…
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Success of the first year of experimental cultivations

In our last post reporting on our experimental cultivations you could see our greenhouse and our fields blooming in the spring and later already mature and yellow before the harvest. We had just begun the harvest after a challenging season with late rains and hoping for the best. We are now extremely happy to report…
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Experimental cultivations & the creation of a new methodological tool for archaeobotanical investigations

Reporting Alexandra Livarda and Alexandra Kriti Archaeobotany and the study of seeds and grains can be very frustrating, especially when compared to other bioarchaeological disciplines, like zooarchaeology. Let us explain: when you have an animal bone you can get all sorts of information. You can tell what animal it is, but also, the sex, age,…
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Launching the new GIAP webinar series with Dr. Veronica Aniceti

GIAP’s new webinar series ‘Recent Advances in the Study of the Ancient Mediterranean’ is hosting Dr Veronica Aniceti on the 24th of February at 18:00 (CET). Dr Aniceti will be talking about ‘Animals and their roles in the medieval society of Sicily‘. You can join the talk here: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_NTRhOGEwZmItNmE2NS00OTk3LWE5ZDctYmZiYjgxNmY2MzI3%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22eb2b7ec4-04ec-4a5a-9ee3-d87fa14c34a3%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%2210757a50-8e76-431d-8481-84f0a94efc2d%22%7d Here is a taster of what…
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