Tag: Aegean archaeology

New paper publication: Woodlands, tree management, and fuel economy in Bronze Age eastern Crete

A new paper on Bronze Age plant resources is now published in the Journal of Archaeological Science Reports! The paper titled ‘Woodlands, tree management, and fuel economy in Bronze Age eastern Crete: an anthracological approach’ by Ntinou, M. Picornell-Gelabert, Ll., Apostolakou, V., Brogan, T., Livarda, A., Sophianou, C.H. and Soles, J.   discusses a large…
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Experimental cultivations of wheat: sowing the seeds to strengthen and extend our new methodology in archeobotany

On the 20th and 21st of this past December, the sowing of the seeds of free-threshing wheat was completed successfully for yet another year of experimental cultivations at the premises of ELGO-DIMITRA at Thermi, Thessalonikis, Greece. The agronomic team of the project are constantly monitoring the growth conditions of the seeds and the state of…
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Remote sensing and computational approaches to site detection and landscape reconstruction

On March 7th at 13h (UK time), GIAP’s co-director Hèctor A. Orengo will give a talk for the Aegean Archaeology Group (University of Cambridge). Open event! Join here: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88241939796?pwd=dTRzSk N3MjBCRklTZDFPNDFLZjdoQT09 Remote sensing and computational approaches to site detection and landscape reconstruction in the Aegean Hèctor A. Orengo – Institut Català d’Arqueologia Clàssica The last decade…
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Success of the first year of experimental cultivations

In our last post reporting on our experimental cultivations you could see our greenhouse and our fields blooming in the spring and later already mature and yellow before the harvest. We had just begun the harvest after a challenging season with late rains and hoping for the best. We are now extremely happy to report…
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Experimental cultivations & the creation of a new methodological tool for archaeobotanical investigations

Reporting Alexandra Livarda and Alexandra Kriti Archaeobotany and the study of seeds and grains can be very frustrating, especially when compared to other bioarchaeological disciplines, like zooarchaeology. Let us explain: when you have an animal bone you can get all sorts of information. You can tell what animal it is, but also, the sex, age,…
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Mediterranean polyculture revisited: new insights into the prehistory of Crete

Figure 1. Part of the environmental team at the flotation station 2021 started with the publication of the third paper of the bioarchaeology-palaeoenvironment-landscape team of the PALAP research project (Palaikastro Phase 4. Urbanisation in Bronze Age Crete: between palace and landscape at Palaikastro). The project (2012-5) involved: Excavation of part of the Bronze Age (Minoan)…
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Fieldwork at the Greek colony of Abdera, Thrace, Greece: report on our summer adventure

Part of the team during a drilling in dry wetland in the Tuzla Gyol area 2020, a complicated (!) year for the whole world. And in the midst of the pandemic we had somehow to move on with our TransLands project to ensure we have good datasets to continue with the palaeoenvironmental reconstruction and analysis…
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