On the 20th and 21st of this past December, the sowing of the seeds of free-threshing wheat was completed successfully for yet another year of experimental cultivations at the premises of ELGO-DIMITRA at Thermi, Thessalonikis, Greece. The agronomic team of the project are constantly monitoring the growth conditions of the seeds and the state of the fields. Triticum aestivum and Triticum durum wheat are grown in 3 replicates in controlled wet and dry conditions and under three different manuring regimes.

The ongoing collaboration of Dr Livarda and her team with the agronomers Drs Mylonas and Ninou within the framework of the I+D project ‘DarkAegean’ (PID2022-139907NB-I00) has already resulted in one successful harvest of wheat this last September, which is currently under processing. The ultimate aim of the DarkAegean project is to use the experimentally cultivated wheat data to feed and expand the development of a new methodology that involves machine learning-aided 3D GMM for the investigation of agriculture in the past.