GIAP seminar series. Urban animals: zooarchaeological and isotopic insights into urbanisation”.

On Wednesday, February 19th, at 12:00 CET, we hosted our speaker, Dr Angela Trentacoste (British School at Rome), who talked to us about “Urban animals: zooarchaeological and isotopic insights into urbanisation.”. Dr Trentacoste talked about the current results of the UrbanHerds project, funded by the Humboldt Foundation, a project that she leads. She showed how…
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New paper publication: Woodlands, tree management, and fuel economy in Bronze Age eastern Crete

A new paper on Bronze Age plant resources is now published in the Journal of Archaeological Science Reports! The paper titled ‘Woodlands, tree management, and fuel economy in Bronze Age eastern Crete: an anthracological approach’ by Ntinou, M. Picornell-Gelabert, Ll., Apostolakou, V., Brogan, T., Livarda, A., Sophianou, C.H. and Soles, J.   discusses a large…
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Experimental cultivations of wheat: sowing the seeds to strengthen and extend our new methodology in archeobotany

On the 20th and 21st of this past December, the sowing of the seeds of free-threshing wheat was completed successfully for yet another year of experimental cultivations at the premises of ELGO-DIMITRA at Thermi, Thessalonikis, Greece. The agronomic team of the project are constantly monitoring the growth conditions of the seeds and the state of…
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A new book chapter by the Archaeozoology team of GIAP-ICAC offers the first compilation on livestock practices in Roman Iberia

We are happy to announce the publication of a new book chapter on animal husbandry during Roman times in the northeast of the Iberian Peninsula, entitled “La ramaderia durant l’època romana al nord‑est peninsular: alguns exemples i reflexions”. This is the first compilation regarding this topic. The book chapter is published in “Bouzas et al.…
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On Friday 17 January 2025, postdoctoral fellow Patricia Vandorpe organised a webinar to present the first results of her MSCA project ‘PlantNetGem’. The presentation, entitled ‘The influence of Roman food culture in the northern provinces of the Roman Empire and beyond’, was aimed at all archaeobotanists working in the project’s research area who have contributed…
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A new open-access article by the Archaezoology team of the GIAP-ICAC sheds light on feeding strategies in the Iron Age Iberian Peninsula 

We are glad to announce the publication of a new open access paper on animal husbandry and feeding strategies in the Iron Age Iberian Peninsula. This study provides first order information about this topic using a multi-isotope analysis. The paper is published in the journal “Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences”. Dr Chiara Messana, Dr Carlos Tornero,…
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Urban Geoarchaeology

We are pleased to announce the publication of the first book dedicated to Urban Geoarchaeology, to which Alfredo Mayoral contributes the first chapter! Alfr­edo Mayoral, Jean-François Berger, Jean-Luc Peiry, Paul Ledger, Yannick Miras. 2024. “Geoarchaeological analysis of pedosedimentary archives from site-environment interfaces: reconstructing palaeoenvironmental impacts of protohistoric settlements and towns at Corent (France)”, In Q.…
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On December 4, Dr Abel Gallego-Valle gave a seminar on the importance and applicability of Archaeozoology to medieval studies, with the title “THE POSSIBILITIES OF MEDIEVAL ARCHEOLOGY: ARCHAEOZOOLOGY”. This seminar was part of the Introduction to Medieval History subject of the UAB History degree, and was organized by the Department of Ancient and Medieval Sciences.…
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2nd Year of experimental cultivations of free-threshing wheat: archaeobotanical and agronomic synergies

At the end of November, Dr Alexandra Livarda, the PI of the I+D project ‘DarkAegean’ The agricultural economy of the Aegean ‘Dark Ages’ through machine learning-powered 3D cereal grain morphometrics (PID2022-139907NB-I00) visited the collaborating team of agronomers led by Dr Ioannis Mylonas at Thermi Thessalonikis, Greece. The researchers visited the fields and revised the work…
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Archaeobotany team at GIAP: experimental charring and practical work

Marina Daniel Pena, student of the MACA Masters programme (URV-ICAC-UAB), was successful in obtaining a competitive grant towards a work placement with the archaeobotany team of GIAP. The grant (Beques de col·laboració d’estudiants en departaments universitaris per al curs acadèmic 2024-2025) will allow Marina to participate to an innovative, experimental research project with the team…
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