On Friday 17 January 2025, postdoctoral fellow Patricia Vandorpe organised a webinar to present the first results of her MSCA project ‘PlantNetGem’. The presentation, entitled ‘The influence of Roman food culture in the northern provinces of the Roman Empire and beyond’, was aimed at all archaeobotanists working in the project’s research area who have contributed…
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Yesterday started the 29th EAA Annual Meeting, which is taking place in Belfast (Ireland) from the 30th of August to the 2nd of September. This year’s themes incorporate the diversity and multidimensionality of archaeological practice, including archaeological interpretation, heritage management and politics of the past and present. GIAP (ICAC) has 12 contributions to the conference,…
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Today marks the start of the 2nd Meeting of the Archaeobotany in Greece Group (MAGG), an international conference which is taking place in 26-27 January 2023 at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Three GIAP (ICAC) archaobotanists are giving talks on the 27th January, presenting the main results of our ongoing projects: Titles and abstracts: Modern Experimental Cultivations…
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CALL FOR PAPERS EAA2023 “Weaving Narratives” SESSION #730. Deadline for abstract submission: 9th 13th February 2023 (extended deadline!) Interdisciplinary Perspectives into Roman Commerce, Economy and the Acquisition of New Tastes during the Roman Period from the 4th Century BC Onwards From the 4th century BC onwards, the expansion of the Roman Empire, eventually, over large parts of Europe had a significant impact on society. The…
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This month, GIAP (ICAC) welcomed two new postdoctoral researchers to the team! We are very glad to present Patricia Vandorpe and Pangambam Sendash Singh, who will be working with us until 2024: Patricia Vandorpe Dr. Vandorpe completed her PhD in 2010 at the University of Basel (Switzerland), where she has since worked as a research…
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Today we’re celebrating the remarkable success of our MSCAs applications for the 2021 call, the results of which have just been announced. GIAP-ICAC is proud to welcome 5 new MSCA postdoctoral fellows (and possibly one more waiting in the reserve list), expanding research in the forthcoming years and providing research funds for a total value…
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