Today, PhD candidate Alexandra Kriti will participate in the round table ‘Primary Resources and Environmental History’, organised by the Hellenic Association of Environmental History, which is taking place at the Historic Archive of the National and Kapodistrian University, Athens, Greece. She was invited to present and discuss her research resources and methods. Environmental history in…
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Tomorrow, Valentina Pescini will be presenting “Characterizing past fire regimes: why environmental archaeology and anthracology matters” in a workshop titled “Grassland/Forest Shifts in Era of Climate Change: Ecological and Social Consequences of Fire Suppression and Pastoral Abandonment in Italy, Southern Africa and Norway”. The workshop is hosted by Department of Social Anthropology (SAI), University of…
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Yesterday started the 29th EAA Annual Meeting, which is taking place in Belfast (Ireland) from the 30th of August to the 2nd of September. This year’s themes incorporate the diversity and multidimensionality of archaeological practice, including archaeological interpretation, heritage management and politics of the past and present. GIAP (ICAC) has 12 contributions to the conference,…
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Next week, Lídia Colominas and Abel Gallego-Valle will be in Australia to present the latest results of the archaeozoology team at GIAP (ICAC-CERCA) in the 14th International Council for Archaeozoology Conference ICAZ2023, which is taking place in Cairns, Australia, from the 8-12 August 2023. Abstracts Searching for a GMM standardised protocol for sheep astragalus. First…
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We are pleased to inform you that the deadline for abstract submissions for the 43rd Conference of the Association for Environmental Archaeology (AEA) has been extended to September 15, 2023 (23:59h CET). The conference will be held in Tarragona, Catalonia, from November 24 to 26, 2023. You may submit your abstracts at this link:…
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Join us on an archaeological journey to the Minoan city of Palaikastro in eastern Crete, as we explore the recently published research paper on the management of diet and natural resources (Gestió de la dieta i dels recursos naturals a la ciutat minoica de Palaikastro). Through the ‘Palace and Landscape at Palaikastro’ (PALAP) project, a…
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During late May and June, we conducted new excavation and exploration work in Züünkhangai, as part of the project that aims to investigate Bronze Age nomadic societies and pastoralism in Mongolia. ZK513: A 4000-Year-Old Winter Camp Still in Use Today The objective of the 2023 archaeological campaign was multifaceted. The team primarily excavated the site…
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Today, Theoni Baniou is in Guissona to offer a talk for the assistants of the course “XVII Curs d’Arqueologia Ciutat romana de Iesso” (XVII edition of the Roman City of Iesso Archaeology Course), organised by Guissona Museum and the Autonomous University of Barcelona in collaboration with the ICAC, the Guissona City Council, and the Institute…
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New publication presents dataset with records of primary archaeobotanical and zooarchaeological remains from the ‘Palace and Landscape at Palaikastro’ (PALAP) excavation project, providing insight to ongoing debates surrounding the Bronze Age, including the emergence and economic organisation of urban centres during this era. We are thrilled to announce the release of a comprehensive dataset of our latest findings…
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We are excited to participate in the “Sessions Formatives Arqueoborn-II: Arqueologia i Arqueobiologia Urbana a Barcelona” (Arqueoborn-II Training Sessions: Urban Archaeology and Archaeobiology in Barcelona) organized by El Born Centre de Cultura i Memòria (El Born CCM) with the “Llavors i altres carporrestes: mercats, alimentació i indústria urbana” (Seeds and Other Carporemains: Markets, Food, and…
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