2025 series
Dr. Angela Trentacoste (British School at Rome)
“Urban animals: zooarchaeological and
isotopic insights into urbanisation“.

2024 series
January 18th to June 20th 2024. Organisers:
Dr. Maaike Groot (Freie Universität Berlin)
‘‘Cattle through time: a long-term perspective on cattle husbandry in the Netherlands’’
Prof. Stefano Vanin (DISTA – University of Genoa, Italy; IAS-CNR Genoa, Italy)
‘Insects: silent witnesses of our history‘
Dr. Jaafar Jotheri (University of Al-Qadisiyah) &
Dr. Louise Rayne (Newcastle University)
‘Sustainable hydraulic landscapes in southern Iraq’
Prof. Jordi Ramos Ruiz (Universidad de Barcelona (UB) & ATICS SL)
‘La arqueología de la Guerra Civil española. Paisaje, memoria y materiales’
Prof. Arkadiusz Sołtysiak (Faculty of Archaeology, University of Warsaw, Poland)
‘Review of stable isotopic research on human diet, subsistence and mobility in Mesopotamia’
Prof. Anna-Maria Mercuri (Lab.of Palynology and Palaeobotany, Dept. Life Sciences, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy)
‘The botanical approach to Archaeobotany: plants behaviour and human adaptation’
2023 series
January 19th to June 15th 2023. Organisers:
Read the recap of the 2023 seminars: From climate to conflict: recap of the GIAP Seminars of 2023
Prof. Ferran Antolín (German Archaeological Institute / IPNA, University of Basel)
‘Putting climate at the center of archaeological research: first experiences from the GroundCheck research cluster’
Dr. Mila Andonova-Katsarski (Division of Palaeobotany and Palynology, Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences)
‘The plants of Serdica (Sofia, Bulgaria) during the Antiquity (2nd c. AD – 6th c. AD): preliminary archaeobotanical and anthracological data‘
Prof. João Pedro Vicente Tereso. BIOPOLIS/CIBIO (University of Porto); Centre of Interdisciplinary Studies, University of Coimbra ; UNIARQ (University of Lisbon)
‘Long-term dynamics in vegetation, agriculture and human societies: from the last hunter-gatherers until the 21st C. in northeast Portugal‘
Amal Al Kassem. ARCO Research Center
‘The impact of the Syrian conflict on archaeological sites in Al-Hasakah and Daraa provinces‘
Dr. Dan Stewart. School of Archaeology and Ancient History, University of Leicester
‘Counting the Cost: Time, Event, and Process in Landscape Archaeology‘
2022 series
February 24th to May 26th 2022. Organisers:
Prof. Nena Galanidou (University of Crete)
‘The Inner Ionian Archipelago research: towards a hybrid island archaeology’
Dr. Xavier Rubio (Universitat de Barcelona)
‘Contextualizing conflict spaces in Julius Caesar’s civil war using connectivity analysis’
Prof. Natalia Alonso Martínez (Universitat de Lleida)
‘Continuities and Innovations in Agriculture and Plant Processing in NW Mediterranean during the 1st millennium BC’
Prof. Andrew Bevan (University College London)
‘Model-based Mediterraneans’
2021 series
February 24th – June 09th 2021. Organisers:
Latest news about GIAP Seminars:
- GIAP seminar series. Urban animals: zooarchaeological and isotopic insights into urbanisation”.
- First GIAP SEMINAR 2024-25: “Grapevine domestication and viticulture in Southern France during the Iron Age and Roman period”
- Last GIAP Seminar of 2024: “The botanical approach to Archaeobotany: plants behaviour and human adaptation”