Past seminars

2024 series

January 18th to June 20th 2024. Organisers:

Prof. Stefano Vanin (DISTA – University of Genoa, Italy; IAS-CNR Genoa, Italy)
Insects: silent witnesses of our history
Dr. Jaafar Jotheri (University of Al-Qadisiyah) &
Dr. Louise Rayne (Newcastle University)
Sustainable hydraulic landscapes in southern Iraq
Prof. Jordi Ramos Ruiz (Universidad de Barcelona (UB) & ATICS SL)
La arqueología de la Guerra Civil española. Paisaje, memoria y materiales
Prof. Arkadiusz Sołtysiak (Faculty of Archaeology, University of Warsaw, Poland)
Review of stable isotopic research on human diet, subsistence and mobility in Mesopotamia
Prof. Anna-Maria Mercuri (Lab.of Palynology and Palaeobotany, Dept. Life Sciences, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy)
The botanical approach to Archaeobotany: plants behaviour and human adaptation

2023 series

January 19th to June 15th 2023. Organisers:

Read the recap of the 2023 seminars: From climate to conflict: recap of the GIAP Seminars of 2023

Prof. Ferran Antolín (German Archaeological Institute / IPNA, University of Basel)
Putting climate at the center of archaeological research: first experiences from the GroundCheck research cluster
Dr. Mila Andonova-Katsarski (Division of Palaeobotany and Palynology, Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences)
The plants of Serdica (Sofia, Bulgaria) during the Antiquity (2nd c. AD – 6th c. AD): preliminary archaeobotanical and anthracological data
Prof. João Pedro Vicente Tereso. BIOPOLIS/CIBIO (University of Porto); Centre of Interdisciplinary Studies, University of Coimbra ; UNIARQ (University of Lisbon)
Long-term dynamics in vegetation, agriculture and human societies: from the last hunter-gatherers until the 21st C. in northeast Portugal
Dr. Dan Stewart. School of Archaeology and Ancient History, University of Leicester
Counting the Cost: Time, Event, and Process in Landscape Archaeology

2022 series

February 24th to May 26th 2022. Organisers:

Prof. Andrew Bevan (University College London)
‘Model-based Mediterraneans’

2021 series

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