Join us in the first 2023 GIAP Seminar!
Jan, 19th 18h CET
‘Putting climate at the center of archaeological research: first experiences from the GroundCheck research cluster’
Prof. Dr. Ferran Antolín
German Archaeological Institute / IPNA, University of Basel
Keywords: human-environment relationships; scale; on-site research; palaeoclimate; politics
Access the webinar here: https://bit.ly/JoinGIAPseminars
No registration required. Hosted in Microsoft Teams (no Microsoft/Teams account needed).
A Research Cluster named GroundCheck was created in year 2019 with the goal of encouraging interdisciplinary research on climate and archaeological heritage nowadays, as well as climate and societies in the past. This cluster has impacted the orientation of research at the institute and this presentation will allow to discuss on possibilities and challenges of the project so far. The German Archaeological Institute is a federal research institute of almost 200 years of history within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Its research interests spread worldwide, starting with the Neolithic period until Medieval times, with a special focus on Antiquity.
About Prof. Dr. Ferran Antolín:
Prof. Dr. Ferran Antolín is currently Head of the Division of Natural Sciences at the German Archaeological Institute (DAI) and of the Archaeobotany Lab in it. He is also Adjunct Professor for Archaeobotany at the University of Basel after having been granted a prestigious SNF-Professorship (AgriChange Project) at the same University (2018-2021), before he moved to the DAI. He was an invited Fellow Professor at the Brussels Institute of Advanced Studies in the context of the theme “The past, present and future of food, climate and sustainability” (2022). He coordinates the Research Cluster GroundCheck at the German Archaeological Institute and sits in the Editorial Board of renowned journals such as Vegetation History and Archaeobotany and World Archaeology. His research activity has focused on the study of past farming economies, currently working in countries such as Spain, Tunisia, North Macedonia, Egypt and Iran.
Links of interest
Leaflet’s background picture: suitability map resulting from the application of machine learning to existing dated Late Neolithic sites in the study area of the CompuCliMed Project, one of the GroundCheck Projects. Author: M.E. Castiello.