
GIAP starts a new survey campaign in the Mongolian steppes

GIAP researchers Francesc C. Conesa and Arnau Carbonell-Puigventós are currently in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia’s capital, to set up the final preparations for their field survey season starting in Züünkhangai sum, Uvs province in the north-western part of the country (featured picture by OAK stories).    This summer Francesc and Arnau are joining an international team together with Natalia Égüez (University of…
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GIAP participates at the 25th International Conference of the European Association for South Asian Archaeology and Art… in Barcelona! 

From Monday to Friday this week, GIAP (ICAC)’s ongoing research will be well represented at the European Association for South Asian Archaeology and Art (EASAA), starting today at the Ciutadella Campus of the University Pompeu Fabra at the very heart of Barcelona.  EASAA is one of those must-attend conferences for many of us! It has been organized…
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Farewell Rosa and Mar!

After a few months in GIAP (ICAC), Mar and Rosa will say farewell to the archaeozoology team this July. Supervised by Lídia Colominas, she introduced them to the laboratory practices and methodologies in archaeozoology. Mar Jornet is a master’s degree student at the Open University of Catalonia (UOC), focusing on Ancient Mediterranean. She joined us in the context of…
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Let the harvest begin! Second year of experimental cultivations in Greece

The students of International Hellenic University (IHU), Solon Samiotis and Nektarios Theophanous, collecting barley heads for further analysis. After a long month of meticulous and detailed measurements and observations at our experimental cultivations in Thermi Thessalonikis, the time has finally arrived to commence the critical stage of the harvest. The harvest started in early June,…
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Centuriated Landscapes in Italy and the Iberian Peninsula

Josep Maria Palet Martínez and Maria Jesús Ortega will be presenting today in the workshop: ‘Centuriated Landscapes in Italy and the Iberian Peninsula‘, organised by the Koninklijk Nederlands Instituut Rome and University of Groningen , and sponsored by the Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds. The workshop is hosted at the KNIR in Rome on 28th and 29th…
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New trends in computational archaeology

Hèctor A. Orengo presents today at INFUTURO, the second Strategic Reflection Meeting of the Archaeology-Connection network/ArchaeologyHub.CSIC, hosted in the Milà i Fontanals Institution (IMF-CSIC) in Barcelona from June 27th to 29th 2022. Session 2: Archaeology in the digital era 27/06/22 18.35h CET New trends in computational archeologyHector Orengo, Institut Català d’Arqueologia Clàssica This presentation describes different projects under development within the Landscape Archeology Research…
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Archaeological survey in a high-mountain environment: livestock settlements, land-use and landscape dynamics

GIAP (ICAC) PhD candidate Arnau Carbonell-Puigventós travelled to Madrid the past days to attend the XIV Ancient Archaeology Doctoral Workshop, organised by the Deutsches Archäologisches Institut (DAI) and the École des hautes études hispaniques et ibériques (Casa de Velázquez). The workshop was a series of presentations on topics related to climate change, palaeoenvironment and archaeology, where the…
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GIAP at the 19th Conference of the International Workgroup for Palaeoethnobotany

The GIAP’s archaeobotany team is presenting in the 19th Conference of the International Workgroup for Palaeoethnobotany (IWGP2022), held from 13-17th June in the Czech Republic, with multiple contributions. If you’re registered, you can access an interactive programme and check the posters online: SESSION 1.3 Plants structuring society: trade and globalisationPoster presentation. Food and plant trade…
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Is there such a thing as “Mediterranean” archaeological survey? This pan-Mediterranean review finds out

A new review article on archaeological survey across the Mediterranean, published in Journal of Archaeological Research, explores diverging practices, key topoi, and future opportunities. Featured photo: Fieldwalking on Aghios Loukas, near Kythnos, Greece (courtesy of the Small Cycladic Islands Project). Over the last decades, the literature on Mediterranean survey has increasingly emphasized a distinct set of…
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From the Cadastre to the charcoal kilns: an interdisciplinary study for the history of the Montieri’s territory 

Today, Valentina Pescini presents at the conference Catasti Storici 2022 in Pisa, Italy, which takes place on 9 & 10th June 2022. From the Cadastre to the charcoal kilns: an interdisciplinary study for the history of the Montieri’s territory (GR-Italy) between the 18th and 19th centuries. Pescini Valentina – Catalan Institute of Classical Archaeology (ICAC).…
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