Category: Publications

New insights into funerary meal rituals from the Roman Empire

Researchers reconstruct the composition of funerary meals in a necropolis from the Western fringe of the Roman Empire, and discover more information about the rituals that accompanied the deceased to the otherworld. The study, published in PLOS ONE, compares biomolecular, anthropological and archaeozoological data from the Roman necropolis of Vila de Madrid (Barcelona, Catalonia). The team discovered…
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Supplying the Roman army? Animal production and consumption in the countryside of north-eastern Iberia  (Can Rubió, la Garrotxa)

New article in the Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, led by GIAP (ICAC) researcher Lídia Colominas in collaboration with Oriol Olesti (Departament de Ciències de l’Antiguitat i de l’Edat Mitjana. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain), Jordi Guàrdia (Professional Archaeologist, Spain) and Karin Harzbecher (Institut d’Estudis del Próxim Orient Antic, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain). Access…
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Is there such a thing as “Mediterranean” archaeological survey? This pan-Mediterranean review finds out

A new review article on archaeological survey across the Mediterranean, published in Journal of Archaeological Research, explores diverging practices, key topoi, and future opportunities. Featured photo: Fieldwalking on Aghios Loukas, near Kythnos, Greece (courtesy of the Small Cycladic Islands Project). Over the last decades, the literature on Mediterranean survey has increasingly emphasized a distinct set of…
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New publication: Plant gathering and people-environment interactions at Epipalaeolithic Kharaneh IV, Jordan

New publication by researchers Leslie J. K. Bode (University of Nottingham), Alexandra Livarda GIAP (ICAC) & Matthew D. Jones (University of Nottingham) in the journal Vegetation History and Archaeobotany. Abstract: This paper presents the first archaeobotanical results on plant macroremains other than charcoal from the Early and Middle Epipalaeolithic site of Kharaneh IV in the Azraq basin, one…
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New publication! ‘From Villae to Early Medieval Communities in Tarraconensis region: Changes and Continuities in Herding Practices​’

GIAP-ICAC researchers Abel Gallego-Valle, Lídia Colominas and Josep Maria Palet recently published their latest results in the Journal of Environmental Archaeology (Association for Environmental Archaeology). “From Villae to Early Medieval Communities in Tarraconensis region (northeast of the Iberian Peninsula): Changes and Continuities in Herding Practices​” Abstract In recent years, archaeology involved itself in solving one…
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Investigating Livestock Practices in the Countryside of Roman Spain: An Archaeozoological Approach

GIAP-ICAC researchers Lídia Colominas and Abel Gallego-Valle have recently published a new chapter in the book: Bermejo-Tirado, J. and Grau-Mira, I. (Eds.) 2022. The Archaeology of Peasantry in Roman Spain. De Gruyter. The Archaeology of Peasantry in Roman Spain Abstract: Investigating Livestock Practices in the Countryside of Roman Spain: An Archaeozoological Approach In recent years,…
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Landscape footprints of peopling and colonisation in the coastal hinterland of Emporion-Emporiae, NE Iberia

Figure by Jordi Montaner. GIAP-ICAC researchers Dr. Josep Maria Palet and Dr. Hèctor A. Orengo recently published, in The Holocene, the latest results on the coastal hinterland of Emporion–Emporiae (NE, Iberia). A collaboration with: Ana Ejarque1, 2, Ramon Julià3, Pere Castanyer4 & Santiago Riera31ISEM, Univ Montpellier, CNRS, IRD, France2GEOLAB, CNRS, Université Clermont Auvergne, France3Seminary of Prehistoric Studies and Research,…
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Redrawing the interaction between prehistoric societies and volcanos, climate and palaeoenvironments in central France

Figure 1. The Gergovie plateau from the ancient Sarliève Marsh, nowadays drained. Image by Alfredo Mayoral. A new study in the Sarliève marsh, recently published in Quaternary Science Reviews, redraws the interaction between volcanos, climate, paleoenvironments and prehistoric societies during the Holocene in the Limagne plain (central France). The Sarliève marsh is an ancient lake, nowadays…
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Hybrid Machine Learning Algorithm Detects Near 10k Archaeological Tumuli in Galicia

Image: detected tumuli in Galicia (Spain): (a) point distribution; (b) heat map. Author: Iban Berganzo. Archaeological tumuli are one of the most common types of archaeological sites and can be found across the globe. This is perhaps why many studies have attempted to develop methods for their automated detection. Their characteristic tumular shape has been…
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“Food and culture: stories of the past” – a review of 2 new publications

This year the ‘archaeology of food’ field has been enriched by several new publications. Dr Alexandra Livarda, co-editor with Dr Katheryn Twiss (Stony Brook University, New York) of the Elements Series ‘Archaeology of Food’ (Cambridge University Press), was invited to review two of these: Robyn E. Cutright. 2021. The story of food in the human past: how what we ate made us…
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