Category: MSCA

GIAP expands the team on Remote Sensing and Archaeobotany!

This month, GIAP (ICAC) welcomed two new postdoctoral researchers to the team! We are very glad to present Patricia Vandorpe and Pangambam Sendash Singh, who will be working with us until 2024: Patricia Vandorpe Dr. Vandorpe completed her PhD in 2010 at the University of Basel (Switzerland), where she has since worked as a research…
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Religious experience at the temple of Epikourean Apollo in Bassae: Virtual Reality technology in the service of archaeoastronomical research

GIAP (ICAC)’s researcher Efrosyni Boutsikas is travelling to Argentina to present in the Oxford XII Conference (ISAAC) and VIII Inter-American Conference on Cultural Astronomy: “Living Skies”, organised by the International Society of Archaeoastronomy and Astronomy (ISAAC) and the Inter-American Society of Astronomy in Culture (SIAC), which takes place in Buenos Aires from October 31st to…
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Call for papers CAA2023!

We are pleased to invite you to contribute to our session in the CAA2023 (Annual Conference of Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology) that will be held from April 3rd to 6th 2023 in Amsterdam (Netherlands). GIAP (ICAC) researcher Nazarij Buławka is part of the organising team of the session: S06. Stay connected: Developing Mobile GIS for…
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The GIAP team gets bigger! Meet our new MSCA postdoctoral fellows

We are glad to finally be able to welcome our new team members to Tarragona! Three brilliant postdoctoral researchers joined GIAP (ICAC) this September. Skyscapes, religion, plants and ancient irrigation are some of the themes to be investigated by the three successful postdoctoral MSCA fellows.  STAR-AGESS: Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Ritual and Ancient Greek Experience of Sacred Spaces (H2020-MSCA-IF-2020-101026674) Efrosyni Boutsikas Dr. Boutsikas is an…
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Is there such a thing as “Mediterranean” archaeological survey? This pan-Mediterranean review finds out

A new review article on archaeological survey across the Mediterranean, published in Journal of Archaeological Research, explores diverging practices, key topoi, and future opportunities. Featured photo: Fieldwalking on Aghios Loukas, near Kythnos, Greece (courtesy of the Small Cycladic Islands Project). Over the last decades, the literature on Mediterranean survey has increasingly emphasized a distinct set of…
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Testing thermal and visual drone imagery in the field

Dr. Mustafa Nuri Tatbul (Bartın University, Department of Art History, Faculty of Letters) joined Toby C. Wilkinson, Arnau Garcia-Molsosa and Paloma Aliende (GIAP-ICAC) last week in Tarragona to participate in a practical demonstration and testing of new drone technology in the field. Insights learnt at this event will be applied to drone data collection in…
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5 MSCA postdoc grants awarded to GIAP-ICAC!

Today we’re celebrating the remarkable success of our MSCAs applications for the 2021 call, the results of which have just been announced. GIAP-ICAC is proud to welcome 5 new MSCA postdoctoral fellows (and possibly one more waiting in the reserve list), expanding research in the forthcoming years and providing research funds for a total value…
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Types of inequality, trade networks and measuring materials

GIAP-ICAC researcher Toby C. Wilkinson is participating in the conference “Inequalities in Supra-Regional Eurasian Exchange Networks (8000 – 2000 BP)“, taking place from Dec 2nd to 4th 2021, organised by the ROOTS Cluster of Excellence of Kiel University. As stated in the organiser’s website: “Exchange networks structure and development are essential for explaining social and…
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Success of the first year of experimental cultivations

In our last post reporting on our experimental cultivations you could see our greenhouse and our fields blooming in the spring and later already mature and yellow before the harvest. We had just begun the harvest after a challenging season with late rains and hoping for the best. We are now extremely happy to report…
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Looking for a postdoc opportunity? The MSCA-IF-2021 call is now open!

Join our vibrant international community of postdoctoral researchers! GIAP aims to study long-term human-environment interactions through the physical and biological imprints left on the landscape by its past inhabitants. In order to do so, GIAP has a strong interdisciplinary focus, which includes bioarchaeology and palaeoenvironment, geoarchaeology, survey, archaeomorphological analysis and computational approaches, including GIS, remote sensing and…
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