Category: Mountain archaeology

Vall de Núria (Queralbs) features new heritage and educational resources for the discovery of its cultural landscapes

The ICAC features the final results of the ArqueoPirenaia transfer project in the Vall de Núria (Queralbs), with the participation of the main entities and institutions of the territory. Vall de Núria territory has a new set of educational and cultural resources, which highlight the history of high mountain cultural landscapes and contribute to the…
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Research stay and training in high-mountain archaeology and geoarchaeology

We say farewell to PhD candidate Arnau Carbonell-Puigventós! He will be enjoying a 3-month research stay in the University of Trento as part of his PhD, from the 18th of September to the 21st of December 2023. This stay is motivated not only by the possibility of acquiring the title of international doctor, but also to…
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Prominent representation of GIAP (ICAC) in the EAA2023!

Yesterday started the 29th EAA Annual Meeting, which is taking place in Belfast (Ireland) from the 30th of August to the 2nd of September. This year’s themes incorporate the diversity and multidimensionality of archaeological practice, including archaeological interpretation, heritage management and politics of the past and present. GIAP (ICAC) has 12 contributions to the conference,…
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Farewell to the First ‘Mountain Culture, History and Sources’ Summer School!

The inaugural “Mountain Culture, History and Sources” summer school has come to a close, leaving us with fond memories of the enriching experience amidst the mountain’s cultural abundance. As we bid farewell to its rich cultural heritage, the scorching heat of the city awaits. The research team accomplished its mission with great success, meticulously recording,…
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1st “Mountain Culture, History, and Sources” Summer School

We have inaugurated the first “Mountain Culture, History, and Sources” Summer School, which is taking place from July 5th to July 15th in the villages of Aristi and Asprangeloi, nestled in the Zagori region in Greece. This unique project aims to enrich the cultural heritage of mountain communities through two distinct sets of activities focused…
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Field Diary: Kicking off the Meranges Campaign!

An international team is conducting a 10-day archaeological campaign in Meranges (Cerdanya, Catalonia), among which we find Coll de Molleres I, the highest Roman site in Catalonia, with the objective of studying its structures, chronology, and the impact of human occupation on the surrounding landscape. Follow all the team updates in our Twitter thread! On…
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Archaeoroute: a guided tour to the cultural landscapes of Vall de Núria

Today, Josep Maria Palet was invited to the field day of the 6th European Conference on Permafrost (EUCOP 2023), which is taking place in Puigcerdà in June 18th to 22nd, organised by the University of Barcelona (UB). Together with Marta Flórez, they will guide the participants on a route showcasing not only geological aspects but…
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Archaeology of the Mountains. Research, Methods, analysis

Researchers Josep M. Palet, Arnau Carbonell, Lídia Colominas, Alfredo Mayoral, and Valentina Pescini, are participating in the second edition of the Archaeology of the Mountains conference. Research, Methods, Analysis, with the presentation: “Landscape Archaeology research in the Eastern Pyrenees (Segre and Ter valleys, NE Iberian Peninsula): settlement and land-use dynamics on a long-term perspective” June…
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New open access paper! New insights into Neolithic livestock practices in high mountain areas

Recent multidisciplinary study in the journal Quaternary International provides new insight into the occupation dynamics of high mountain spaces starting from the Neolithic onwards in the archaeological site of Molleres II. It is the first time that sediment biomarker analyses have been carried out at a Catalan site. Figure 1: Study area location and ortophoto…
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Territorial settings of the Roman-Republican centuriation of Empúries

Last week, part of the team started the fieldwork in the context of the TranScapes and ArqueoTer projects (see below for more information). The team consisted of Arnau Carbonell-Puigventós, Marta Flórez-Santasusanna, Arnau Garcia-Molsosa, Alfredo Mayoral and Josep Maria Palet. The first morning we were in Ullastret, where we met with Gabriel de Prado, director of…
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