Tag: landscape archaeology

GIAP workshop: Landscape, display and economy at Abdera and Thrace

This Thursday, 24th November 2022, ICAC will be hosting a GIAP workshop in the context of the recently finalised Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellowship of Dr. Merkouris Georgiadis: “Landscape, display and economy at Abdera and Thrace: using modern archaeological field and lab methods to better understand colonial landscapes (from 3000BC to AD100)“ Date: 24th November 2022. Organisers: ·…
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GIAP expands the team on Remote Sensing and Archaeobotany!

This month, GIAP (ICAC) welcomed two new postdoctoral researchers to the team! We are very glad to present Patricia Vandorpe and Pangambam Sendash Singh, who will be working with us until 2024: Patricia Vandorpe Dr. Vandorpe completed her PhD in 2010 at the University of Basel (Switzerland), where she has since worked as a research…
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Multitemporal Lidar: A New Workflow for the Detection of Subtle Topographic Features in Dense Forest Areas

ICAC researchers publish a new study in Land, showcasing the potential of multitemporal lidar-derived digital terrain models for the detection of subtle archaeological features under perennial dense forest.  Featured image: Figure 1. Lidar point-cloud.  Lidar-derived digital terrain models (DTMs) have, during the last years, become an essential tool in landscape archaeology (Berganzo-Besga et al. 2021)…
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Waterscapes of Greek Colonization: A Geoarchaeological Approach to Socio-Environmental Interaction and Coastal Landscape Changes around Ancient Abdera

GIAP (ICAC) researcher Alfredo Mayoral will present in the Landscape Archaeology Conference 2022 (LAC2022), which is taking place from 10th to 15th September 2022: Session nº06 How does the Waterscape Influences, Affects and Infers the Human Community’s Development, Evolution, Vulnerabilities, and Resilience over Time?9.05 GMT (11.05 CEST) Title Waterscapes of Greek Colonization: A Geoarchaeological Approach to Socio-Environmental Interaction…
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Long-term analysis of colonial relations in Thrace: the archaeological survey at Abdera and Xanthi 2015–2019 

A new article in Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences presents the preliminary results of the Archaeological Project at Abdera and Xanthi (APAX), a systematic regional survey applying intensive pedestrian sample collection conducted in Greek Thrace. This new archaeological programme has investigated different landscape settings in the Xanthi area. Different collection strategies were developed to adapt to…
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GIAP participates at the 25th International Conference of the European Association for South Asian Archaeology and Art… in Barcelona! 

From Monday to Friday this week, GIAP (ICAC)’s ongoing research will be well represented at the European Association for South Asian Archaeology and Art (EASAA), starting today at the Ciutadella Campus of the University Pompeu Fabra at the very heart of Barcelona.  EASAA is one of those must-attend conferences for many of us! It has been organized…
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Centuriated Landscapes in Italy and the Iberian Peninsula

Josep Maria Palet Martínez and Maria Jesús Ortega will be presenting today in the workshop: ‘Centuriated Landscapes in Italy and the Iberian Peninsula‘, organised by the Koninklijk Nederlands Instituut Rome and University of Groningen , and sponsored by the Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds. The workshop is hosted at the KNIR in Rome on 28th and 29th…
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Archaeological survey in a high-mountain environment: livestock settlements, land-use and landscape dynamics

GIAP (ICAC) PhD candidate Arnau Carbonell-Puigventós travelled to Madrid the past days to attend the XIV Ancient Archaeology Doctoral Workshop, organised by the Deutsches Archäologisches Institut (DAI) and the École des hautes études hispaniques et ibériques (Casa de Velázquez). The workshop was a series of presentations on topics related to climate change, palaeoenvironment and archaeology, where the…
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Bringing heritage education and mediation to the Pyrenees: ArqueoPirenaia, a new FECYT knowledge transfer project

The 2022 FECYT call for knowledge transfer projects has awarded a grant to a proposal by GIAP (ICAC), to boost the high mountain cultural landscape in the Núria Valley (Eastern Pyrenees). Featured: general view of the Font Negra archaeological site. Photo: ICAC. The project ‘ArqueoPirenaia. Social transfer, didactics and mediation of heritage in a high…
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An unknown settlement revealed: a Greek newspaper echoes our Grevena project results

Picture of a Late Antiquity cist grave in Grevena. Picture by Merkouris Georgiadis (GIAP). The international Greek newspaper Kathimeriní recently published an article echoing the first results of the five-year research program in collaboration with the Ephorate of Antiquities of Grevena and GIAP-ICAC, entitled “Archaeological Program of Grevena”, which began in 2021. From GIAP-ICAC’s side, the project is…
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