On Wednesday, February 19th, at 12:00 CET, we hosted our speaker, Dr Angela Trentacoste (British School at Rome), who talked to us about “Urban animals: zooarchaeological and isotopic insights into urbanisation.”. Dr Trentacoste talked about the current results of the UrbanHerds project, funded by the Humboldt Foundation, a project that she leads. She showed how…
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We are happy to announce the publication of a new book chapter on animal husbandry during Roman times in the northeast of the Iberian Peninsula, entitled “La ramaderia durant l’època romana al nord‑est peninsular: alguns exemples i reflexions”. This is the first compilation regarding this topic. The book chapter is published in “Bouzas et al.…
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This December, we are glad to welcome 3 new team members to GIAP (ICAC-CERCA): Andrew McLeanMSCA postdoctoral fellow Andrew McLean finished his PhD at Edinburgh last year. His thesis analyzed the economy of the Roman Adriatic with a focus on modeling mobility and movement. He then looked at wine and oil production and patterns of…
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We are very glad to welcome Abel Gallego-Valle back to the group, who won our latest postdoctoral call, and will contribute with his expertise to the archaeozoology team at GIAP. He will contribute with his expertise on the research on animal husbandry and archaezoology in the framework of the GIAP projects. In particular, the dental…
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Ten GIAP (ICAC) researchers participated in ICAC’s celebration of the International day of Women and Girls in Science. ICAC led a multilingual initiative that includes multiple 1-minute-long videos of researchers highlighting women archaeologists who had an impact on them and/or their research. The campaign lasted a few weeks, and this post groups all our participations.…
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We are glad to invite you to the presentation of the new volume on the Roman villa of Els Munts, published by the National Archaeological Museum of Tarragona. The presentation of this publication will be carried out by Dr. Josep Maria Palet, director of the Catalan Institute of Classical Archaeology, and will take place at…
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We have a new chapter (in Catalan) published in the volume Vil·la Romana dels Munts (Tarraco). Lídia Colominas and Katie Tardio (UNC-Chapel Hill) present the preliminary results of the archaeozoological study of the faunal remains recovered in Els Munts, a Roman villa located 14 kilometers from Tarraco. So far, more than 800 faunal remains that can be dated between the…
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This month, we welcomed 2 new postdoctoral researchers, Drs. Laura Strolin and Faidon Moudopoulos, and we celebrate that Dr. Arnau Garcia-Molsosa started his Ramón y Cajal fellowship with GIAP, after finishing his Beatriu de Pinós-Marie Curie cofund project (also in GIAP, from 2020-2022). Dr. Arnau Garcia-Molsosa Dr. Garcia completed his PhD on the Archaeology of…
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This month, GIAP (ICAC) welcomed Darío Herranz (lab technician) and Federica Riso (MSCA postdoctoral fellow), and we celebrate Valentina Pescini‘s upgrade as Ramón y Cajal researcher! Valentina Pescini 2 years after she joined GIAP as a Juan de la Cierva researcher, Valentina now joins GIAP again as a Ramón y Cajal researcher, to continue her…
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Open call at the Catalan Institute of Classical Archaeology with three positions as technologists and one position as a technician, to work in different units of the Institute, within the framework of the Investigo program. The Investigo program (Agència de Gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca) aims to fund programs for hiring of young people (under 30…
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