Dr Livarda is participating in an exciting education programme organised by the Department of Research and Universities of the Generalitat of Catalonia, addressed to students of the 5th grade of primary schools. The aims of this project are to make science accessible to kids, increase creativity and teamwork, promote women in science, and familiarise kids…
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This March Dr Jessica Feito joined the archaeobotany team at GIAP-ICAC embarking on a new Marie Sktodowska-Curie Action titled ‘FoodMod-RGB: Modelling food plant trade in the Roman provinces of Gaul and Britannia’ (HORIZON-MSCA-2023-PF-01) Jessica will be working under the supervision of Dr Alexandra Livarda and Prof. Hector Orengo to investigate foodways, trade and the process…
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A new paper in landscape archaeology has been published in the Journal Quaternary International. The paper titled «Tracing the history of a Mediterranean terraced landscape: interdisciplinary research in the Cinque Terre coastal region (NW Italy)» by Pescini, V., Panetta, A., Menozzi, B.I., Montanari, C. discusses the latest results of the “5 Terre Environmental Resource Archaeology…
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On 25th February, Dr Valentina Pescini and Dr Diego Moreno will conduct the seminar “Transhumance, Cross-Border Movement, and Historical-Environmental Heritage”. The seminar will be focused on transhumance, a traditional practice of seasonal pastoral migration, which has long influenced Mediterranean landscapes, shaping territorial structures, cultural exchanges, and ecological systems. Dr Pescini will share the current aims…
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A new paper on Bronze Age plant resources is now published in the Journal of Archaeological Science Reports! The paper titled ‘Woodlands, tree management, and fuel economy in Bronze Age eastern Crete: an anthracological approach’ by Ntinou, M. Picornell-Gelabert, Ll., Apostolakou, V., Brogan, T., Livarda, A., Sophianou, C.H. and Soles, J. discusses a large…
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On the 20th and 21st of this past December, the sowing of the seeds of free-threshing wheat was completed successfully for yet another year of experimental cultivations at the premises of ELGO-DIMITRA at Thermi, Thessalonikis, Greece. The agronomic team of the project are constantly monitoring the growth conditions of the seeds and the state of…
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On Friday 17 January 2025, postdoctoral fellow Patricia Vandorpe organised a webinar to present the first results of her MSCA project ‘PlantNetGem’. The presentation, entitled ‘The influence of Roman food culture in the northern provinces of the Roman Empire and beyond’, was aimed at all archaeobotanists working in the project’s research area who have contributed…
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At the end of November, Dr Alexandra Livarda, the PI of the I+D project ‘DarkAegean’ The agricultural economy of the Aegean ‘Dark Ages’ through machine learning-powered 3D cereal grain morphometrics (PID2022-139907NB-I00) visited the collaborating team of agronomers led by Dr Ioannis Mylonas at Thermi Thessalonikis, Greece. The researchers visited the fields and revised the work…
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Marina Daniel Pena, student of the MACA Masters programme (URV-ICAC-UAB), was successful in obtaining a competitive grant towards a work placement with the archaeobotany team of GIAP. The grant (Beques de col·laboració d’estudiants en departaments universitaris per al curs acadèmic 2024-2025) will allow Marina to participate to an innovative, experimental research project with the team…
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On Friday 8th of November 2024 the 3rd meeting of archaeobotanists working in Greece was celebrated, hosted by C. Pagnoux (MNHN/AASPE) & G. Tsartsidou (Wiener Laboratory, ASCSA/Ephorate of Palaeoanthropology-Speleology, Hellenic Ministry of culture). The meeting once again provided an excellent forum to share results, concerns and ideas, while forging research relationships across the field. The…
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