Tag: Environmental Archaeology

New paper publication: Woodlands, tree management, and fuel economy in Bronze Age eastern Crete

A new paper on Bronze Age plant resources is now published in the Journal of Archaeological Science Reports! The paper titled ‘Woodlands, tree management, and fuel economy in Bronze Age eastern Crete: an anthracological approach’ by Ntinou, M. Picornell-Gelabert, Ll., Apostolakou, V., Brogan, T., Livarda, A., Sophianou, C.H. and Soles, J.   discusses a large…
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Exploring food plants in the Roman Germania provinces: sharing our first results at the Treffen der Arbeitsgruppe Archäobotanik conference

Last week Patricia Vandorpe was in Brandenburg (Germany) presenting her MSCA Project at the yearly conference of the German archaeobotanists «Treffen der Arbeitsgruppe Archäobotanik» from the 31st of May to the 2nd of June 2024 in the Archäologischen Landesmuseum of Brandenburg. Her talk ‘Handel mit Nahrungspflanzen im Römischen Reich: Untersuchung des Wachstums und der Entwicklung…
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Preliminary programme available for the AEA2023Tgn

The preliminary programme of the 43rd Conference of the Association for Environmental Archaeology (AEA2023Tgn) has been published in the conference’s website: Preliminary programme Registrations will remain open until the 31st October 23:59h CET at this link: https://bit.ly/RegistrationAEA2023 Check all the information about the conference, social events, how to reach Tarragona, accommodation, and more in the…
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Characterizing past fire regimes: why environmental archaeology and anthracology matters

Tomorrow, Valentina Pescini will be presenting “Characterizing past fire regimes: why environmental archaeology and anthracology matters” in a workshop titled “Grassland/Forest Shifts in Era of Climate Change: Ecological and Social Consequences of Fire Suppression and Pastoral Abandonment in Italy, Southern Africa and Norway”. The workshop is hosted by Department of Social Anthropology (SAI), University of…
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Extended deadline for abstracts for the AEA2023Tgn conference!

We are pleased to inform you that the deadline for abstract submissions for the 43rd Conference of the Association for Environmental Archaeology (AEA) has been extended to September 15, 2023 (23:59h CET). The conference will be held in Tarragona, Catalonia, from November 24 to 26, 2023. You may submit your abstracts at this link: https://bit.ly/abstractsAEA2023.…
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New PhD researcher to explore landscapes of Greek colonisation

We are very glad to welcome Isabel Mattuzzi to the group, who will be working on her PhD thesis entitled “Landscapes of Greek colonisation: an integrated archaeological approach of the compared territorial and landscape dynamics around the Ionian colonies of Abdera and Emporion (Thrace, Gr. and Catalunya, Sp.)” under the supervision of Dr. Arnau Garcia-Molsosa and…
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Open registration for the 43rd Conference of the Association of Environmental Archaeology!

You can now register for the 43rd Conference of the Association for Environmental Archaeology, which will take place in Tarragona from 24-26 November 2023, hosted by the ICAC. The title for the conference is Telling Environmental Archaeology Stories, with which we aim to explore the contributions of environmental archaeology in creating history and how our research has helped…
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Call for papers! 43rd Conference of the Environmental Archaeology Association

The call for papers for the 43rd Conference of the Association for Environmental Archaeology, which will take place in Tarragona (Spain) next 24-26th November 2023, is open! Please submit your abstracts here: https://bit.ly/abstractsAEA2023Deadline 31 July 2023 23:59h CET  Registration fees:    Early bird (deadline 15/09/23)  Regular (deadline 31/10/23)  AEA member  80 € 100 € Non…
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The Conference of the Association for Environmental Archaeology (AEA) comes to Tarragona! 

Members of the Landscape Archaeology Research Group (GIAP) of the Catalan Institute of Classical Archaeology (ICAC) are coordinating the 43rd edition of the The Conference of the Association for Environmental Archaeology (AEA), which will be held in Tarragona (Spain) on 24–26 November 2023.  Registration will open soon – Watch out for news on the conference page!  The conference will start…
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From the Cadastre to the charcoal kilns: an interdisciplinary study for the history of the Montieri’s territory 

Today, Valentina Pescini presents at the conference Catasti Storici 2022 in Pisa, Italy, which takes place on 9 & 10th June 2022. From the Cadastre to the charcoal kilns: an interdisciplinary study for the history of the Montieri’s territory (GR-Italy) between the 18th and 19th centuries. Pescini Valentina – Catalan Institute of Classical Archaeology (ICAC).…
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