
Preliminary programme available for the AEA2023Tgn

The preliminary programme of the 43rd Conference of the Association for Environmental Archaeology (AEA2023Tgn) has been published in the conference’s website: Preliminary programme Registrations will remain open until the 31st October 23:59h CET at this link: Check all the information about the conference, social events, how to reach Tarragona, accommodation, and more in the…
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A Landscape Archaeology for All

Today, Marta Flórez is presenting in the “I Congreso de Ciencia Inclusiva” (I Inclusive Science Congress), which is taking place on 2-3 October 2023 in Madrid, organised by CSIC. “Una Arqueología del Paisaje para tod@s” (A Landscape Archaeology for All) The talk presents the ArqueoPirenaia Project. “Social transfer, didactics and mediation of heritage in a…
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Vall de Núria (Queralbs) features new heritage and educational resources for the discovery of its cultural landscapes

The ICAC features the final results of the ArqueoPirenaia transfer project in the Vall de Núria (Queralbs), with the participation of the main entities and institutions of the territory. Vall de Núria territory has a new set of educational and cultural resources, which highlight the history of high mountain cultural landscapes and contribute to the…
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Round table: ‘Primary Resources and Environmental History’

Today, PhD candidate Alexandra Kriti will participate in the round table ‘Primary Resources and Environmental History’, organised by the Hellenic Association of Environmental History, which is taking place at the Historic Archive of the National and Kapodistrian University, Athens, Greece. She was invited to present and discuss her research resources and methods. Environmental history in…
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Call for papers CAA2024! S9: Computational methods to study ancient societies, landscapes and riverine systems straddling Asia and Africa

We are pleased to invite you to contribute to our session in the 51st CAA International conference (CAA2024), which will take place in Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland (New Zealand) from 8 – 12 April 2024. The deadline for papers is 19th of October 2023. EXTENDED DEADLINE to 26th October 2023!Submit your paper here: S9: Between the…
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The Stone Carvings of “Hamko’s Mansion” at Konitsa (NW Greece)

Today, postdoctoral researcher Faidon Moudopoulos-Athanasiou is presenting at Turkologentag 2023 – The Fourth European Convention on Turkic, Ottoman and Turkish Studies, which is taking place in Vienna on the 21-23rd of September 2023, organised by The Society of Turkic, Ottoman and Turkish Studies (Gesellschaft für Turkologie, Osmanistik und Türkeiforschung, GTOT). Abstract The Stone Carvings of…
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Research stay and training in high-mountain archaeology and geoarchaeology

We say farewell to PhD candidate Arnau Carbonell-Puigventós! He will be enjoying a 3-month research stay in the University of Trento as part of his PhD, from the 18th of September to the 21st of December 2023. This stay is motivated not only by the possibility of acquiring the title of international doctor, but also to…
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Characterizing past fire regimes: why environmental archaeology and anthracology matters

Tomorrow, Valentina Pescini will be presenting “Characterizing past fire regimes: why environmental archaeology and anthracology matters” in a workshop titled “Grassland/Forest Shifts in Era of Climate Change: Ecological and Social Consequences of Fire Suppression and Pastoral Abandonment in Italy, Southern Africa and Norway”. The workshop is hosted by Department of Social Anthropology (SAI), University of…
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Current advances in geospatial analysis for archaeology and Cultural Heritage

Tomorrow, Hèctor A. Orengo (ICREA Research Professor at ICAC), will be presenting in the workshop “Geomatics Methodologies in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage Research“, organised by the Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo (UIMP), on the 14th and 15th September 2023. Check the programme here Current advances in geospatial analysis for archaeology and Cultural Heritage This presentation will…
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Crisis, Change and Continuity in JIA2023

ICAC PhD candidates Sergio Badenes (GIAP) and Toni Corrales (MIRMED) are leading Session 20: Crisis, Change, and Continuity: War, Economy, and Settlement through the Archaeology of the Territory, at the XIV JIA Conference on Archaeological Research (JIA2023), which is being held in Lisbon from the 6th to the 8th of September 2023. The session presented for this conference is the…
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