Princeton University, in collaboration with GIAP (ICAC), is organizing the ‘Princeton Athens Center Workshop. Mediterranean Colonial Landscapes‘, to be held at the Princeton Athens Center for Research and Hellenic Studies in Athens, Greece on July 13-14 2022, with sponsorship from the Princeton International Fund (IF) and the Seeger Center for Hellenic Studies. Dates: 13/07/2022 – 14/07/2022Location: Princeton Athens…
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Today, PhD Candidate Giannis Apostolou is in Strasbourg (France), to participate in the summer school “MOSAICdata: data management and processing in archaeology“, taking place from the 11th to 16th July 2022. MOSAICdata: data management and processing in archaeology Archaeology is a discipline that produces more and more data in many forms, whether from fieldwork or…
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GIAP researchers Francesc C. Conesa and Arnau Carbonell-Puigventós are currently in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia’s capital, to set up the final preparations for their field survey season starting in Züünkhangai sum, Uvs province in the north-western part of the country (featured picture by OAK stories). This summer Francesc and Arnau are joining an international team together with Natalia Égüez (University of…
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From Monday to Friday this week, GIAP (ICAC)’s ongoing research will be well represented at the European Association for South Asian Archaeology and Art (EASAA), starting today at the Ciutadella Campus of the University Pompeu Fabra at the very heart of Barcelona. EASAA is one of those must-attend conferences for many of us! It has been organized…
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Josep Maria Palet Martínez and Maria Jesús Ortega will be presenting today in the workshop: ‘Centuriated Landscapes in Italy and the Iberian Peninsula‘, organised by the Koninklijk Nederlands Instituut Rome and University of Groningen , and sponsored by the Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds. The workshop is hosted at the KNIR in Rome on 28th and 29th…
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GIAP (ICAC) PhD candidate Arnau Carbonell-Puigventós travelled to Madrid the past days to attend the XIV Ancient Archaeology Doctoral Workshop, organised by the Deutsches Archäologisches Institut (DAI) and the École des hautes études hispaniques et ibériques (Casa de Velázquez). The workshop was a series of presentations on topics related to climate change, palaeoenvironment and archaeology, where the…
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A new review article on archaeological survey across the Mediterranean, published in Journal of Archaeological Research, explores diverging practices, key topoi, and future opportunities. Featured photo: Fieldwalking on Aghios Loukas, near Kythnos, Greece (courtesy of the Small Cycladic Islands Project). Over the last decades, the literature on Mediterranean survey has increasingly emphasized a distinct set of…
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The 2022 FECYT call for knowledge transfer projects has awarded a grant to a proposal by GIAP (ICAC), to boost the high mountain cultural landscape in the Núria Valley (Eastern Pyrenees). Featured: general view of the Font Negra archaeological site. Photo: ICAC. The project ‘ArqueoPirenaia. Social transfer, didactics and mediation of heritage in a high…
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Picture of a Late Antiquity cist grave in Grevena. Picture by Merkouris Georgiadis (GIAP). The international Greek newspaper Kathimeriní recently published an article echoing the first results of the five-year research program in collaboration with the Ephorate of Antiquities of Grevena and GIAP-ICAC, entitled “Archaeological Program of Grevena”, which began in 2021. From GIAP-ICAC’s side, the project is…
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Dr. Mustafa Nuri Tatbul (Bartın University, Department of Art History, Faculty of Letters) joined Toby C. Wilkinson, Arnau Garcia-Molsosa and Paloma Aliende (GIAP-ICAC) last week in Tarragona to participate in a practical demonstration and testing of new drone technology in the field. Insights learnt at this event will be applied to drone data collection in…
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