Category: Landscape archaeology

Bringing heritage education and mediation to the Pyrenees: ArqueoPirenaia, a new FECYT knowledge transfer project

The 2022 FECYT call for knowledge transfer projects has awarded a grant to a proposal by GIAP (ICAC), to boost the high mountain cultural landscape in the Núria Valley (Eastern Pyrenees). Featured: general view of the Font Negra archaeological site. Photo: ICAC. The project ‘ArqueoPirenaia. Social transfer, didactics and mediation of heritage in a high…
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An unknown settlement revealed: a Greek newspaper echoes our Grevena project results

Picture of a Late Antiquity cist grave in Grevena. Picture by Merkouris Georgiadis (GIAP). The international Greek newspaper Kathimeriní recently published an article echoing the first results of the five-year research program in collaboration with the Ephorate of Antiquities of Grevena and GIAP-ICAC, entitled “Archaeological Program of Grevena”, which began in 2021. From GIAP-ICAC’s side, the project is…
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Testing thermal and visual drone imagery in the field

Dr. Mustafa Nuri Tatbul (Bartın University, Department of Art History, Faculty of Letters) joined Toby C. Wilkinson, Arnau Garcia-Molsosa and Paloma Aliende (GIAP-ICAC) last week in Tarragona to participate in a practical demonstration and testing of new drone technology in the field. Insights learnt at this event will be applied to drone data collection in…
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Postdoc call! Archaeological site detection based on multispectral satellite imagery

We are searching for excellent candidates with a PhD in Computer Science, Remote Sensing or a similar field interested in conducting research in archaeological sites detection based on applying machine learning techniques on multispectral aerial images. Contract duration: 22 months The context of this project is an ongoing collaboration between the Catalan Institute of Classical…
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Cloud-computing procedures for the automated detection and monitoring of archaeological sites

GIAP-ICAC researcher Francesc C. Conesa will present in the 2022 IEEE Mediterranean and Middle-East Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, which is virtually taking place in March 7-9th 2022. Session TU2.3: Multi-sensor remote sensing of cultural heritage 1 Session organised by Francesca Signa (CNR-ISAC) and Deodato Tapete (Italian Space Agency) “Cloud-computing procedures for the automated detection…
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Remote sensing and computational approaches to site detection and landscape reconstruction

On March 7th at 13h (UK time), GIAP’s co-director Hèctor A. Orengo will give a talk for the Aegean Archaeology Group (University of Cambridge). Open event! Join here: N3MjBCRklTZDFPNDFLZjdoQT09 Remote sensing and computational approaches to site detection and landscape reconstruction in the Aegean Hèctor A. Orengo – Institut Català d’Arqueologia Clàssica The last decade…
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Call for abstracts CAA2022!

We are pleased to invite you to contribute to our sessions in the CAA2022 (Annual Conference of Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology) that will be held from Aug 3rd to 8th in Oxford (UK), in a hybrid format. GIAP-ICAC researchers are leading two sessions: S13: Machine and deep learning methods in archaeological research:…
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Drones don’t fear lava: Remote and ground archaeological survey during the 2021 volcano eruption in La Palma, Canary Islands

“The study of how eruptive events affected past societies and their environment has been a recurrent field of research that has gained relevant insights towards reducing present-day geohazard risks and vulnerability [1, 2, 3]. Archaeological volcanology also has close ties with the so-called “disaster archaeology” [4, 5], which aims at improving our engagement and risk management strategies in response…
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Rome and the Pyrenees. The formation of cultural landscapes in high mountain areas

ACADEMIA MARGINALIS is a project promoted by the professors of the Department of Art History of the University of Barcelona Juan Miguel Muñoz Corbalán and Núria Torras Benezet that consists of a series of conferences, presentations and social gatherings that will take place from February to May of 2022. You can check out the full…
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Next GIAP Seminar: ‘The Inner Ionian Archipelago research: towards a hybrid island archaeology’

Join us in the first 2022 GIAP Seminar! February 24th 18-19h CET The Inner Ionian Archipelago research: towards a hybrid island archaeology Prof. Nena GalanidouProfessor of Prehistoric Archaeology at University of Crete Keywords: Ionian Sea; Island archaeology; Palaeolithic; Landscape Archaeology; Continental Shelf Prehistoric Research; Intensive surface survey; Early Seafaring; Neanderthals; Karstic landscapes Access the webinar…
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