Exploring food plants in the Roman Germania provinces: sharing our first results at the Treffen der Arbeitsgruppe Archäobotanik conference

Last week Patricia Vandorpe was in Brandenburg (Germany) presenting her MSCA Project at the yearly conference of the German archaeobotanists «Treffen der Arbeitsgruppe Archäobotanik» from the 31st of May to the 2nd of June 2024 in the Archäologischen Landesmuseum of Brandenburg. Her talk ‘Handel mit Nahrungspflanzen im Römischen Reich: Untersuchung des Wachstums und der Entwicklung…
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The archaeobotany team invited to Poland to discuss Roman foodways

Last week (6-11 of May) the archaeobotany team working on Roman foodways was invited to present their work in Poland. The visit started in Warsaw, where they were hosted by Prof. Aldona Mueller-Bieniek at the University of Warsaw. Marie Curie Fellow, Dr Patricia Vandorpe, delivered the talk ‘Defining foodways across the Roman Empire using archaeobotanical…
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Archaeobotanical synergies: GIAP goes to BIOPOLIS-CIBIO and MHNC at the University of Porto

Theoni Baniou, GIAP-ICAC PhD candidate, has started on the 6th of May a research stay in Porto. She will be working until the middle of June with Dr João Tereso at the BIOPOLIS-CIBIO, the Research Center in Biodiversity and Genetic Resources, University of Porto, and the MHNC – UP, the Natural History and Science Museum…
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