Category: Bioarchaeology

What to do to quench your sheep: the use of dental microwear to study feeding management systems

GIAP (ICAC) researcher Abel Gallego-Valle is presenting in the 1st ICAZ Medieval Period Working Group, which is taking place in Bergen (Norway) on 28 & 29 September 2022. 28/09/22 Session 1: Southern Europe “What to do to quench your sheep: the use of dental microwear to study feeding management systems in the NE Tarraconensis during…
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Second year of successful harvesting in our experimental cultivations in Greece

The team of dedicated IHU and trainee agronomy students that made harvest and threshing possible. ‘Twiggy’ the car also deserves a mention, as the silent hero of the project. A long, hard, and yet particularly rewarding stage comes to its end; the end of the second successful harvest and threshing of our experimental cultivations in…
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Mediterranean Colonial Landscapes: Princeton Athens Center Workshop

Princeton University, in collaboration with GIAP (ICAC), is organizing the ‘Princeton Athens Center Workshop. Mediterranean Colonial Landscapes‘, to be held at the Princeton Athens Center for Research and Hellenic Studies in Athens, Greece on July 13-14 2022, with sponsorship from the Princeton International Fund (IF) and the Seeger Center for Hellenic Studies. Dates: 13/07/2022 – 14/07/2022Location: Princeton Athens…
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Let the harvest begin! Second year of experimental cultivations in Greece

The students of International Hellenic University (IHU), Solon Samiotis and Nektarios Theophanous, collecting barley heads for further analysis. After a long month of meticulous and detailed measurements and observations at our experimental cultivations in Thermi Thessalonikis, the time has finally arrived to commence the critical stage of the harvest. The harvest started in early June,…
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GIAP at the 19th Conference of the International Workgroup for Palaeoethnobotany

The GIAP’s archaeobotany team is presenting in the 19th Conference of the International Workgroup for Palaeoethnobotany (IWGP2022), held from 13-17th June in the Czech Republic, with multiple contributions. If you’re registered, you can access an interactive programme and check the posters online: SESSION 1.3 Plants structuring society: trade and globalisationPoster presentation. Food and plant trade…
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From the Cadastre to the charcoal kilns: an interdisciplinary study for the history of the Montieri’s territory 

Today, Valentina Pescini presents at the conference Catasti Storici 2022 in Pisa, Italy, which takes place on 9 & 10th June 2022. From the Cadastre to the charcoal kilns: an interdisciplinary study for the history of the Montieri’s territory (GR-Italy) between the 18th and 19th centuries. Pescini Valentina – Catalan Institute of Classical Archaeology (ICAC).…
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New publication: Plant gathering and people-environment interactions at Epipalaeolithic Kharaneh IV, Jordan

New publication by researchers Leslie J. K. Bode (University of Nottingham), Alexandra Livarda GIAP (ICAC) & Matthew D. Jones (University of Nottingham) in the journal Vegetation History and Archaeobotany. Abstract: This paper presents the first archaeobotanical results on plant macroremains other than charcoal from the Early and Middle Epipalaeolithic site of Kharaneh IV in the Azraq basin, one…
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New publication! ‘From Villae to Early Medieval Communities in Tarraconensis region: Changes and Continuities in Herding Practices​’

GIAP-ICAC researchers Abel Gallego-Valle, Lídia Colominas and Josep Maria Palet recently published their latest results in the Journal of Environmental Archaeology (Association for Environmental Archaeology). “From Villae to Early Medieval Communities in Tarraconensis region (northeast of the Iberian Peninsula): Changes and Continuities in Herding Practices​” Abstract In recent years, archaeology involved itself in solving one…
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Investigating Livestock Practices in the Countryside of Roman Spain: An Archaeozoological Approach

GIAP-ICAC researchers Lídia Colominas and Abel Gallego-Valle have recently published a new chapter in the book: Bermejo-Tirado, J. and Grau-Mira, I. (Eds.) 2022. The Archaeology of Peasantry in Roman Spain. De Gruyter. The Archaeology of Peasantry in Roman Spain Abstract: Investigating Livestock Practices in the Countryside of Roman Spain: An Archaeozoological Approach In recent years,…
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Stories from the wells: how the Roman wells of Guissona can shed new light on life in the past

Picture of the 2017 well in the Roman city of Iesso, outside the city wall. Picture courtesy of the Classical Archaeology team at UAB. Excavations in the Roman municipium of Iesso began more than thirty years ago as part of a research project led by the Classical Archeology team of the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) and directed by Josep Guitart and Joaquim…
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