Tag: Roman period

Isotope analyses for the study of Roman livestock management

Rosa Soler, PhD candidate at GIAP under the direction of Dr. Lídia Colominas (ICAC-CERCA) and Dr. Carlos Tornero (UAB), has started her training in isotopes. In the pictures, you can see her drilling sheep teeth to obtain powder samples of enamel for sequential isotope analyses. Her research focuses on the study of livestock management during…
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The rural world in the Roman period: new journal and CfP conference

Dr. Lídia Colominas, Ramón y Cajal researcher at GIAP (ICAC-CERCA) is participating in the new Fundus project, led by the University of Girona and the Archaeological Museum of Banyoles. This project centers around the investigation of the rural world during the Roman period, following a line of research initiated years ago with the publication of…
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From climate to conflict: recap of the GIAP Seminars of 2023

What an extraordinary year it has been for the GIAP Seminar series in 2023! As we bid farewell to this year’s series, let’s take a moment to reminisce about the incredible talks that we were able to enjoy. Although this chapter has concluded, the GIAP team is already hard at work, preparing another remarkable line-up…
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Next GIAP Seminar! ‘The plants of Serdica during the Antiquity: preliminary archaeobotanical and anthracological data’

Join us in the second 2023 GIAP Seminar! Feb 23rd, 18h CET ‘The plants of Serdica (Sofia, Bulgaria) during the Antiquity (2nd c. AD – 6th c. AD): preliminary archaeobotanical and anthracological data’ Dr. Mila Andonova-KatsarskiDivision of Palaeobotany and Palynology of the Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences) Keywords: Archaeobotany, anthracology,…
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