We are happy to announce the publication of a new book chapter on animal husbandry during Roman times in the northeast of the Iberian Peninsula, entitled “La ramaderia durant l’època romana al nord‑est peninsular: alguns exemples i reflexions”. This is the first compilation regarding this topic. The book chapter is published in “Bouzas et al. (2024). Ager Mutabilis. L’explotació del territori en època romana. Studies of the Roman World in the Roman period 13, 138-160. Museu Arqueològic de Banyoles-Ajuntament de Banyoles, Universitat de Girona, Grup de Recerca Arqueològica del Pla de l’Estany. Girona.”, the conference proceedings of the International Congress conducted in 18th-19th May 2023 (Calonge i Sant Antoni, Baix Empordà, Catalonia).
This book chapter is the result of the keynote made by Dr Lídia Colominas done for the “Animal husbandry exploitation” session.
ABSTRACT: The study of faunal remains recovered from Roman sites in present‑day Catalonia is no longer an anomaly. Therefore, we are starting to have a corpus of data large enough to be able to characterize animal husbandry in this territory. That is what we aim to do with this article, taking a triple look at the data. We begin by taking a global look at the existing evidence for the north‑east of the peninsula, we continue with a look focused on the villas of the Girona area, and we end with a look at several case studies focused on a specific species, cattle.
KEYWORDS: animal husbandry, roman period, arqueozoology, Catalonia.