Palaeoenvironmental research starts in the Ancient city of Klazomenai with the participation of members of ICAC

This fieldwork campaign is part of a multi-disciplinary and international project that will allow to compare the landscapes and socio-environmental histories of the Ancient Greek colony of Abdera and its mother city Klazomenai.

GIAP-ICAC members Alfredo Mayoral, Arnau Garcia-Molsosa and Isabel Mattuzzi, collaborate with the Klazomenai Excavations and Survey (, directed by Prof.Dr. Yaşar E. Ersoy (Yaşar University, İzmir) and Prof. Dr. Elif Koparal Mimar (Sinan Fine Arts University, İstanbul).

The team includes researchers from Institute of Geography University of Cologne (Prof. Dr. Helmut Brückner and Julian van Reimersdahl), the Institute of Evolutionary Science of Montpellier (ISEM, @isemevol, @DBA) (Dr Ana Ejarque, @ejarque_ana), the Suleyman Demirel University (Prof. Dr. Çetin Senkul, Dr. Mustafa Dogan and Yunus Bozkurt), the University of Edinburgh (Dr. Anja Slawisch) and the University of Cambridge (Dr. Toby C. Wilkinson).