Join us in the second GIAP Seminar of 2024! Open event, no registration required.
February 15th 22nd 12h CET
‘Insects: silent witnesses of our history’
Prof. Stefano Vanin
DISTA – University of Genoa, Italy; IAS-CNR Genoa, Italy
Access the webinar here: https://bit.ly/GIAPseminars2024
Open event. No registration required. Hosted in Microsoft Teams (no Microsoft/Teams account needed).
Archaeoentomology is a branch of environmental archaeology focusing on insects and other arthropods contributing with other disciplines to reconstruct a more complete view of past events, climate and landscape. Funerary archaeoentomology, as defined by J.-B. Huchet in 1996, focus on the arthropods associated with human remains of archaeological interest or with elements part of funerary rituals such as offerings.In the last years several papers have been published dealing with insects associated with archaeological sites from all over the world: Egyptian mummies, mummified and skeletonized bodies of Kings, Saints and common people, remains of WWI soldiers but also llama furs have been investigated also from an entomological point of view to reconstruct the events occurred after their death. In all the cases, the majority of the findings are Insects in the orders Diptera and Coleoptera, whereas among the Arachnida mites represent the most important taxon. It is worth of mentioning that fleas and lice found on the bodies may provide interesting information also about the sanitary condition of the investigated population.
Archaeoentomology, Insects, Taphonomy, Biodiversity
About Prof. Vanin:
In 1996 Prof Vanin was awarded an MSc in Biological Sciences at the University of Padua (Italy) and in 2001, in the same University, the degree of PhD in Evolutionary Biology.
After working at the National Centre for Forestry Biodiversity he obtained a first research contract in the laboratory of physiology and a second one in Genetics at the University of Padua working in the EUCLOCK project.
In 2011 Prof. Vanin moved to UK, at the University of Huddersfield as Senior Lecturer first and later in 2013 as Reader in Forensic Biology teaching Forensic Entomology and other disciplines related with Forensic and Biological Sciences. At International level he did some lecturing in Cameroon, Tunisia and Bahrain and he acted as “Visiting Professor” at the University of Modena Reggio Emilia first and later at the University of Sassari (Italy).
Since September 2019 he works as Associated Professor in Zoology at the University of Genoa (Italy) and since 2020 he is course leader of Biology.
Since 1997 Prof. Vanin has focused his attention on the Forensic Entomology field in term of research but as well working on national forensic cases. Moreover, in the last years he expanded his attention also on Funerary Archaeoentomology but also carrying on his studies on insect chronobiology.
Prof. Vanin has been the President of the European Association for Forensic Entomology (EAFE) and the President of the Italian Group of Forensic Entomology (GIEF). He is member and fellow of several national and international Societies and Associations.
He published more than 100 scientific articles and some book chapters.
Links of interest:
- About Prof. Vanin:
- Email: stefano.vanin@gmail.com
- Twitter: @vanin_stefano
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stefano.vanin.18
- linkedin: linkedin.com/in/stefano-vanin-692a0376
- Instagram: @vaninste
- Cosa ci dicono gli insetti? | Stefano Vanin | TEDxTreviso
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