Rosa Soler, PhD candidate at GIAP under the direction of Dr. Lídia Colominas (ICAC-CERCA) and Dr. Carlos Tornero (UAB), has started her training in isotopes. In the pictures, you can see her drilling sheep teeth to obtain powder samples of enamel for sequential isotope analyses.
Her research focuses on the study of livestock management during the Roman period (1st century BC – 3rd century AD) in the north-eastern Iberian Peninsula, applying isotope analyses on Ovis, Capra and Bos remains. This approach will make it possible to analyse animals’ reproductive cycles, dietary habits and mobility patterns, three vital factors for understanding the zootechnical improvements made in livestock management during this time period.

Rosa Soler is a PhD candidate with an FPI scholarship with the project “Pràctiques ramaderes i innovacions zootècniques en època romana al nord-est peninsular a partir d’anàlisis bioquímiques” in the context of the TranScapes project: “TranScapes. Transported Mediterranean Landscape: Integrated and diachronic study of socio-environmental interactions and changes in the occupation of the environment on both sides of the Mediterranean” (PID2021-127064NB-I00) funded by MCIU/AEI /10.13039/501100011033/ and FSE+.