This weekend, Marta Flórez-Santasusana will present the new didactic lab result of the Arqueopirenaia project in the XVIII Fòrum Auriga, which is taking place on 25-26 November in the Institute Ramón Coll i Rodés (Lloret de Mar, Catalonia).
“ICAC’s new didactic lab on Landscape Archaeology: an outreach tool for knowledge transfer and impact” (El nou laboratori didàctic en Arqueologia del paisatge de l’ICAC: una eina divulgativa per a la transferència i l’impacte social del coneixement).
Marta Flórez-Santasusana, Josep Maria Palet, Arnau Carbonell, Lídia Colominas, Alfredo Mayoral, Valentina Pescini, Abel Gallego-Valle, Tània Martínez, Laia Coma. Institut Català d’Arqueologia Clàssica.
The mobile laboratory offers an immersive experience in landscape archaeology, from a hands-on perspective: those attending the workshops will get firsthand knowledge of how landscape archaeologists work, including their research focus, fieldwork procedures, necessary preparations, different stages of research – photointerpretation, surveying, excavation, laboratory analysis, and more.
Didactic suitcases are a common educational resource in cultural institutions such as museums. Now, they will be used for the first time to explain the scientific discipline and research methodology of landscape archaeology, transformed into a mobile didactic laboratory that can travel throughout the region.