Tuesday 12 of November, at 13:15 a.m., Dr Nazarij Bulawka, Dr Héctor A. Orengo and Dr Iban Berganzo will offer a lecture on the application of satellite imagery in the landscape archaeology in the Near East to detect qanat irrigation systems using AI. This talk is part of the Seminar “Near East Archaeology” of the “Master’s on Bioarchaeology and/or Eastern Mediterranean and Near Eastern Archaeology” at the Faculty of Archaeology of the University of Warsaw
Title: deep learning-based detection of Qanat underground water Distribution Systems using hexagon spy satellite imagery.
Abstract: The presentation introduced satellite remote sensing and deep learning to Master’s and PhD students at the “Near East Archaeology” seminar held at the Faculty of Archaeology, University of Warsaw. It discussed the most significant applications of satellite imagery in landscape studies, including landscape destruction, looting, site detection, and the mapping of architectural structures. A particular emphasis was placed on water management studies, especially in the detection of qanats.
The practical application of remote sensing will be demonstrated through an example of qanat detection using HEXAGON cold war imagery from 1971 to 1984 (Buławka, Orengo, and Berganzo-Besga 2024).