The Computational Archaeology Laboratory of the Landscape Archaeology Research Group (GIAP), hosted at the Catalan Institute of Classical Archaeology (ICAC-CERCA) in Tarragona (Catalonia, Spain), is looking for technicians and researchers to further develop its computational research line.
The profiles we are looking for should include at least one of the following skills:
- Machine/deep learning training, development, and implementation. In particular, we are interested on technicians or researchers able to use CNNs to locate archaeological structures using segmentation, region-based and/or single shot detectors in diverse sources such as high-resolution aerial and satellite imagery, lidar-based DTMs and other types of image-based sources.
- Remote sensing using Google Earth Engine. The work will consist in creating composites of multiple sources over large areas and applying algorithms developed by the group or developing new algorithms for site detection and large-scale landscape analysis.
- Geospatial analysis using python and or/Google Earth Engine. Creating workflows for the processing of sources, large scale geospatial analyses including raster and vector processing.
- 3D reconstruction, modelling, printing, and analysis with an emphasis on the development or VR models that can be explored with VR-headsets. The work will include one or several of these activities:
- Using georeferenced photogrammetric models as a base to reconstruct whole architectural settings with 3D modelling software such as Blender.
- Scanning objects using a variety of methods and post-process the resulting models for accuracy, printing, integration in virtual environments, etc.
- Publish and maintain 3D models in relevant on-line repositories.
- Prepare and print models using 3D printing devices.
- Analyse 3D object using standard methods such as co-relation, orientation, scaling, filtering, model comparison, creation of average and mean models, etc.
- Creating virtual environments integrating textured 3D architectural models, digital terrain models, and skyboxes/domes that can be explored using VR headsets.
- Other computational methods such as agent-based modelling, network analysis or geometric morphometrics using python or other computing languages in environments such as Jupyter Notebooks or Google Colab.
Knowledge of archaeology is not necessary, we welcome applicants from all fields, in particular female researchers or technicians.
Salary and contract to be agreed upon based on experience and skills. If you’re interested, please send you CV and a brief text describing how you expertise fits any of the aforementioned skills to Prof. Hèctor A. Orengo (horengo@icac.cat).