Surveying the Montane Landscapes of Ancient Macedonia

To the fellows based in Oxford, our PhD candidate Giannis Apostolou has been invited to deliver a seminar for the Greek Archaeology Group & Prehistoric and Early Greece Graduate Seminars (GAG-PEGGS) at the Institute of Classical Archaeology of the University of Oxford this Thursday, the 25th of January at 13.00. Giannis’ paper will about ongoing work in the Grevena region (NW Greece), where GIAP is currently a collaborator in a multi-disciplinary archaeological project conducted by the Ephoreia of Antiquities of Grevena.

The GAG-PEGGS Seminar series is focused on all aspects of Greek archaeology, spanning from prehistory and early Greece through to the Classical period. 

Giannis Apostolou is a PhD candidate at GIAP (ICAC-CERCA) with the project Advancing the development of automated intensive archaeological survey: application to case studies from Greece (2020 FI_B 01013), funded by AGAUR, Ajuts de Formació d’Investigadors (FI-DGR).

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