The next webinar of the GIAP ‘Recent Advances in the Study of the Ancient Mediterranean’ series is tomorrow, 19th of May, at 18.00CET. The presenter will be Dr Nancy Krahtopoulou (Ephorate of Antiquities of Karditsa – Hellenic Ministry of Culture and Sports, Greece) and she will be talking on the cultural landscapes of western Thessaly, in Greece, unraveling their fascinating stories.
Here is a taster of what the talk will be about:
This talk will discuss some of the fresh, impressive, and far-reaching results of the ongoing multidisciplinary landscape project ‘Long Time, No See: Land reclamation and the cultural record of central-western Thessaly, central Greece’. Our research has successfully tied together historical aerial and satellite imagery, archaeomorphological analysis, extensive and intensive field survey, material culture analysis, geoarchaeological, palaeoenvironmental and bioarchaeological studies, written and ethno-historical information. At first it demonstrates that the scanty, previous knowledge of the archaeology of the area reflects localised Holocene alluviation, dramatic modern anthropogenic disturbances and the little amount of research invested in western Thessaly in the past, and secondly that the central-western Thessalian plain was a densely occupied and constructed landscape since the earliest phases of the Neolithic.
Dr Athanasia (Nancy) Krahtopoulou holds a permanent position at the Hellenic Ministry of Culture and Sports (Greece) and she currently works at the Ephorate of Antiquities of Karditsa in the Thessaly region. She is a specialised geoarchaeologist and field archaeologist, with a research spanning from micromorphological analysis of sites to the large-scale exploration of past cultural landscapes. Since 2014, Dr Krahtopoulou is collaborating with GIAP and ICAC for the project Long Time, No See: Land Reclamation and the Cultural Record of Central-Western Plain of Thessaly(http://www.icac.cat/en/recerca/projectes-de-recerca/projecte/long-time-no-see-land-reclamation-and-the-cultural-record-of-central-western-plain-of-thessaly/)
You are all welcome to join the talk. There is no need for registration, access is free to everybody via this link.
We hope to see you there!