GIAP is a rapidly evolving research team. In this page you will find links to currently active research staff:

Paloma Aliende
Specialised computational archaeology technician
Topography, photogrammetry, 3D reconstruction, licensed drone pilot

ICAC PhD candidate
Archaeobotany, network analyses, food plant access, commerce, social identities

Lídia Colominas
Ramón y Cajal researcher
Archaeozoology, mountain archaeology, pastoralism, food studies, ancient economy, geometric morphometrics

Jessica Feito
Marie Skłodowska-Curie postdoctoral fellow

Marta Flórez-Santasusanna
Senior research-support technician
Knowledge transfer; Scientific Culture, Archaeology and Heritage didactics; social impact; accessibility in Science and Heritage.

PTA.Bioarchaeology laboratory technician.
Archaeozoology, archaeobotany.

Arnau Garcia-Molsosa
Ramón y Cajal researcher
Landscape & mountain archaeology, survey, GIS, remote sensing, machine learning

Alexandra Livarda
Ramón y Cajal researcher, International Coordinator at ICAC
Archaeobotany, environmental archaeology, ancient economy & food studies

Isabel Matuzzi
FI PhD candidate
Ancient Colonization, Geographic Information System (GIS), Environmental Archaeology

Alfredo Mayoral
Juan de la Cierva-Incorporación postdoctoral fellow
Geoarchaeology, geomorphology, palaeoenvironment, sedimentology, micromorphology

Sayantani Neogi
Marie Skłodowska-Curie postdoctoral fellow
Computational archaeology, land us dynamics, cultural soilscapes

Josep M. Palet Martínez
ICAC director and senior researcher, GIAP co-director
Landscape archaeology, archaeomorphology, survey, mountain archaeology

Valentina Pescini
Ramón y Cajal researcher
Charcoal analysis, landscape archaeology, rural archaeology, palaeoenvironment

Patricia Vandorpe
Marie Skłodowska-Curie postdoctoral fellow
Archaeobotany, food plant commerce, transport networks

Associate Researchers
Efrosyni Boutsikas
Archaeoastronomy, computational archaeology, advanced 3D modelling and landscape analyses
Darío Herranz
Bioarchaeology, Archaeobotany, Zooarchaeology
Abel Gallego-Valle
Archaeozoology, dental microwear, palaeoenvironment and animal husbandry
Charlotte Diffey
Archaeobotany and stable isotope analyses
Iban Berganzo-Besga
Lidar data treatment and manipulation, machine and deep learning
Pablo Medina
Epigraphy, didactics, Castelló (València), Terol (Aragó)
Sergio Badenes
Landscape archaeology, GIS, archaeomorphology
Toby C. Wilkinson
Computational archaeology, past trade and movement, survey, landscape archaeology
Merkourios Georgiadis
Material culture, survey, landscape archaeology, Aegean archaeology
Jesús Martínez
Landscape Archaeology, GIS, archaeology of rural areas
Graham Roderick Jones
Medieval and early modern written documentation, landscape history
Michele Matteazzi
Archaeomorphology, mountain archaeolgy, cultural landscapes
Maria Jesús Ortega
Archaeomorphology, mountain archaeolgy, cultural landscape
Michael P. Wallace
Archaeobotany, stable isotopes, geometric morphometrics