Happy International Women’s Day! One more year, we want to celebrate this day by highlighting the 16 fantastic women who are part of our group.
For equality of rights and opportunities, let’s keep empowering women!
Paloma Aliende
Specialised computational archaeology technician
Topography, photogrammetry, 3D reconstruction, licensed drone pilot
ICAC PhD candidate
Archaeobotany, network analyses, food plant access, commerce, social identities
Lídia Colominas
Ramón y Cajal researcher
Archaeozoology, mountain archaeology, pastoralism, food studies, ancient economy, geometric morphometrics
Maria Ferrer Bonet
Senior research-support technician
Communication, activities, internationalisation, project management, group coordination
Marta Flórez-Santasusanna
Senior research-support technician
Knowledge transfer; Scientific Culture, Archaeology and Heritage didactics; social impact; accessibility in Science and Heritage.
Navjot Kour
PCI postdoctoral fellow
Remote sensing, historical maps, cultural landscapes, Indus Civilisation, Bronze Age, South Asia
Alexandra Livarda
Ramón y Cajal researcher, International Coordinator at ICAC
Archaeobotany, bioarchaeology, environmental archaeology, Aegean archaeology, ancient economy, food studies
Isabel Matuzzi
FI PhD candidate
Ancient Colonization, Geographic Information System (GIS), Environmental Archaeology
Sayantani Neogi
Marie Skłodowska-Curie postdoctoral fellow
Computational archaeology, land us dynamics, cultural soilscapes
Valentina Pescini
Junior Ramón y Cajal researcher
Charcoal analysis, landscape archaeology, rural archaeology, palaeoenvironment
Federica Riso
Marie Skłodowska-Curie postdoctoral fellow
Archaeology, archaeobotany, food plant imports, network analysis
Patricia Vandorpe
Marie Skłodowska-Curie postdoctoral fellow
Archaeobotany, food plant commerce, transport networks