We celebrate that GIAP (ICAC) PhD candidate Giannis Apostolou has been awarded an Onassis Foundation Scholarship, which will provide research funds to carry on with his research until autumn 2024. Congratulations Giannis!

Onassis Foundation offers up to 60 annual scholarships for postgraduate and doctoral studies in countries worldwide (countries other than Greece) and up to 10 scholarships for postgraduate studies in Greece.
Giannis Apostolou is a PhD candidate in GIAP (ICAC) since June 2020, with a grant by the Generalitat de Catalunya (2020FI_B01013). His research focuses on combining new archaeological-survey tools for the recording and understanding of cultural landscapes, with a focus on the archaeology of Greece. GIS technology, digital tools and Artificial Intelligence applications are a key topic in Apostolou’s research, which is part of 3 projects carried in GIAP:
- TransMed: Transported Landscapes of Greek Mediterranean Colonisation (H2020-MSCA-IF-2018: 839650), led by Dr Hèctor A. Orengo and Dr Merkouris Georgiadis.
- Long Time, No See: Land Reclamation and the Cultural Record of Central-Western Plain of Thessaly, led by Dr Athanasia Krahtopouloum (Hellenic Ministry of Culture & Sports), Prof Santiago Riera (SERP-UB) and Dr Hèctor A. Orengo (ICAC).
- Drone-based Intelligent Archaeological Survey (DIASur), funded by the BBVA Foundation and directed by Dr Hèctor A. Orengo
His fieldwork is focused mainly on Grevena (a mountain environment) and Thessaly (a sedimentary plain), in line with the objectives of the three research projects above. The different geographical characteristics of these areas open different possibilities to apply automatic survey techniques and compare results. Therefore, the project is not only comparing technical approaches, but also material culture remains in the different areas and under different conditions.
Stay tuned for updates on his research!